Zimbabwe Gvt detains , Expels-and – deports, US officials and Contractors

…As tensions mount between the two countries

By Delicious Mathuthu

As rocky relations between the Zimbabwean Government and that of the United States of America (USA) continue, a team of U.S. officials and contractors working under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) were recently detained, interrogated before being deported from Zimbabwe, Kwedu News learnt on Friday (8/03/2024).

The officials, which the U.S. Government claims were harassed, detained, interrogated and had their privacy invaded through their personal electronic devices, were in the country to assess Zimbabwe’s development and governance context to support USAID’s work in civic engagement, democracy and human rights.

In a statement released by USAID on its website on Friday its Administrator, Samantha Power, said the development is concerning, inappropriate, aggressive and seems systemic.

“The United States is deeply concerned by Zimbabwean authorities’ recent attempts to verbally and physically intimidate several U.S. government officials and contractors; subjecting some of them to overnight detention, transportation in unsafe conditions, prolonged interrogation, seizure of and intrusion into personal electronic equipment, and forced deportation.

“This inappropriate and aggressive treatment occurred while the individuals were assessing the development and governance context in Zimbabwe to help inform USAID’s work to support civic participation, democratic institutions, and human rights.

“This is a grave development that follows other serious incidents over the past two years in which U.S. government officials and U.S. citizens experienced harassment and improper treatment from the Zimbabwean authorities,” she said.

Due to the incident, Power, in the same statement, poured cold water on Zimbabwe’s international reengagement efforts as her Government continues with unilateral sanctions against Zimbabwe which were partially removed by the U.S. President Joseph Biden recently.

“These unjustifiable actions render hollow the Government of Zimbabwe’s claims that it is committed to the reforms necessary for democratic governance and reengagement with the international community,” she said.

Biden revoked the Executive Order (EO) that authorised targeted economic and deplomatic sanctions on Zimbabwe which are unsanctioned by the United Nations which termed them illegal.

However, as the deplomatic fissures between the two territories continue, the U.S. President imposed a new regine of sanctions on Zimbabwe’s leader, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, along with some of his trusted lieutenants in Government, and business.

Power, however, says USAID is committed to working with Zimbabwean citizens in building a vibrant citizenry.

“USAID supports the people of Zimbabwe as they seek to build a more resilient, inclusive, and democratic society, with accountable political leaders and government institutions, active citizen participation, and adherence to the rule of law.

“We will continue to robustly support civil society, human rights defenders, and independent media and as seen through our recent targeted sanctions,” she said.

Zimbabwean President, who was recently in the Midlands Province, said the partial removal of the sanctions is ‘absolute nonsense’.

“Recent announcement by the U.S. that they were lifting sanctions on Zimbabwe remains absolute nonsense if they are partially removed,” President Mnangagwa said, before adding that, “those sanctions are illegal and the United Nations Security Council has also declared these sanctions illegal and they must be unconditionally removed.”

In the same statement, Power remained adamant that the U.S. will continue to sanction those who allegedly jump the line.

“We will not hesitate to take additional measures to hold accountable those who deny Zimbabweans fundamental freedoms and good governance. The people of Zimbabwe deserve better,” she said.

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