Zim Women Football Resist Normalisation Committee’s move to dismiss them

From Hope Chizuzu in HARARE – Wednesday 14 February 2024

Women football show NC the middle finger as….

The governance issues bedeviling the Normalization Committee, this week took an interesting turn as the Barbara Chikosi led woman football told the Mutasa led committee that they misdirected themselves last week, when dissolving them, The Page can reveal.

In a letter, pregnant with details, citing relevant clauses and raising key issues, Chikosi reminded Lincoln Mutasa and his NC that they’re not clothed with power to dissolve a member of Zifa.

That power sits with the Congress, and even then the same assembly resolve through a vote if a member can be suspended or dismissed, yet Mutasa in complete disregard of the Zifa Constitution, wrote a Sabhuku-like note to women football.

Chikosi gave the NC 48 hours to rescind his decision or face the courts, which already looks likely because the deadline period given, has since elapsed with no message from the NC.

The Page can also reveal that the NC have been busy looking and interviewing people to fill in the slots left by the dissolution of the Chikosi led executive which was, like all other members of the assembly for the 2018-2022 Congress, elected and can only be removed by the same assembly that elected them through an election.

Mutasa has deliberately failed or made it difficult if impossible to hold elections, because they want to have a year extension during which they will be earning USD6500 every member with the chairman smiling to the kraal on USD8000.

In a development that will sadden the football public, the FIFA who are completely complicit in this saga, are rumoured to have considered giving this NC another year to June 30, 2025 to allow for the attendant reforms and elections.

The Page, however can also reveal that while FIFA have considered and decided to extend the life of the NC, they’re going to have a new committee, removing this NC, whose competence FIFA now doubts, to give football a sure chance of completing the task of restoring the FA.

But it will also be interesting to note that the pending case from women football could change the course of events, as clearly the NC, a mere committee chosen for specific task, can not have power to dissolve any member of the FA.

That case will be key in that should it be successful, has the net effect of change which neither FIFA nor NC can handle, as the national Constitution supersedes any other document of instruction.

FIFA will have nothing to do should women football win their case. While it is clear NC misdirected themselves in this case, they’re simply testing the waters as their main assault targets are Kenny Ndebele at PSL, Northern region, Eastern Region and central region to effectively cripple the football league ecosystem, to give an impression that it has become ungovernable.

While there are no surprises in what FIFA intends to do on Zimbabwe, it should be noted that never in the history of international football police, in existence since 1904, has a normalization committee, operated for a period determined at the start. Never.

All normalization committees have outlived their stated periods because the FIFA mandarins, who funds such exercises, benefit financially from such practices and it is no wonder this Zifa NC will get another 12 months to plunder.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed technical director Jethro Hunidzarira, confirmed our doubts that he is not the man for the job when he told StarFM radio that he intends to design a national football philosophy as if there is none.

That is enough evidence the man is ignorant about our football. Maybe the over three decades he has been absent from home, sojourning in neighbouring Botswana, makes him assume there is no such philosophy.

He has not researched on our football but already he intends to have us do specialized coaching from academies to elite. He has no numbers to inform such a decision… kkkkkk.. textbook coaching already!

Imagine that the man hasn’t had a simple environmental scan of the game, or its structures, he is already prescribing solution.

This is already a case of taking medication for cancer before observation because he heard it has become a killer disease.

But then again, he wasn’t the best candidate in a caste that had comedians like Mablanyo and he knows, yet the irony of it is that he is a wonderful human being who played for my late dad’s 1988 super league champions, Zimbabwe Saints.

Can our football do something right for once? This can be so frustrating for the football public. The same NC, who people should know are already creating parallel structures everywhere, disguising it as an exercise to share equipment with clubs.

Has anyone bothered to note the recipients and why the known clubs and academies were ignored? Do you think it was coincidence that Boss Kudzi Chitima was at the hub of the distribution exercise with Rose Mugadza in tow?

Has anyone observed how all the Francis Zimunya football stakeholders template has been followed to the letter in the latest turn by NC to bid for their preffered candidates?

Well, watch the space, we are headed for very interesting times, even the now mute SRC will come out of their self imposed morgue…..and am not talking about the Kamambo Ecocashgate judgement, yet.

@ChizuzuHope X(formerly Twitter) WHATSAPP +263715001628

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