Zim police issues order banning carrying of dangerous weapons.

ZRP prohibits carrying of dangerous weapons
By Memory Mudzani
Officer Commanding Police Gokwe District has issued a prohibition order for the carrying of dangerous weapons in public areas.

In a press statement ZRP Midlands province spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko said this is due to the increase in cases of violence using weapons such as machetes, knobkerries, swords, knives, spears or daggers, catapults and other offensive or traditional weapons.

Officers Commanding Police Districts are regulating officers for areas under them in terms of the law , the notices are issued in terms of section 4(1) of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act Chapter 11:23.
It is said that the Prohibition Order is to curb crimes of assaults, robbery, Murder and Rape where carrying of weapons may be used in commission of crime.

Superintendent Augustine Zimbili issued a prohibition notice for areas under Gokwe District, running from 23 June 2023 to 22 September 2023
According to Section 4 of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act Chapter 11:23 ,any person failing to comply with such a prohibition shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such a fine and imprisonment.

Zimbabwe Republic Police is appealing to members of the community to report all those found in possession of such prohibited weapons at any police station or make use of suggestion boxes, hotlines and Whatsapp platforms.

ZRP warns all those who would be found on the wrong side of the law that they shall be out there in full force to ensure that they thwart any criminal activities.
ZRP states that they wish all communities be crime free environments.

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