Zim Phil Zongo selected one of the World’s top Cyber Security leaders.

Zim Phil Zongo elected one of the World’s top Cyber Security leaders.


By Harry Taruva

Australia based Zimbabwean Cyber Security executive Phil Zongo continues to shine as he was recently selected by Security magazine as one of the top 22 Cyber Security leaders for 2023.

This year’s top Cyber Security leaders to be honoured in the March 2023 Security magazine issue are innovative forward thinkers and thought leaders going beyond the call of duty to advance the Cyber Security profession.

In achieving this feat, Zongo joins a list of top security executives in the World who include Brigadier General Greg J Touhill( The First USA Federal CISO) among other distinguished Cyber Security luminaries in the World.

In accepting the honour Zongo said”

I look forward to the detailed feature of my career acceleration that will be featured in the March 2023 issue of the Security Magazine”

Phil is the CEO of Cyber Leadership Institute in Sydney Australia, Forbes Business Council official Member, Best selling uthor, International Key note speaker and Multi Award Winning Virtual CISO.

Zongo is also the publisher of “The Automation Conundrum “and “Managing Cloud Risk :Top considerations for Business Leaders.”

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