Zim food secure till next harvest–Gvt

By Kwedu News

The Government of Zimbabwe through the Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister has reassured the nation that the country is food secure till the next harvest, with over 10 months of maize grain reserves and targeting over 2.8 million tonnes of maize this season.

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Dr Jenfan Muswere in a post cabinet meeting media briefing on Tuesday, said maize grain in stock will last over 10 months while wheat is enough for the next nine months.

For the 2023/2024 summer cropping season, Minister Muswere said the country is targeting over 3.5 million tonnes of grain.

“The country is targeting to produce 2 800 000 metric tonnes (mt) of maize, 120 000 mt of soya beans, 150 000 mt of sunflower, 350 000 mt of sorghum, 92 658 mt of pearl millet, and 270 000 mt of cotton during the 2023/2024 summer season,” he said.

The Minister said government is banking on sound Public Private Partnerships to archive the targets with seed houses having been engaged to avail the best suitable seeds for the season.

“Production will be under various funding programmes including Pfumvudza/Intwasa, Government-facilitated bank financing, private sector and self-financing.

“Seed is readily available for all these crops, with about 40.8% being early to ultra-early maturity varieties.

“Government and Seed Associations have released the crop and variety suitability information to assist all stakeholders in the selection of appropriate varieties for their agro-ecological zones.

“All this information on the suitable varieties per region is available from the nearest Agricultural Extension officers,” he said.

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