By Dumisani Ndlovu
China-based Zimbabwean author, Chipo Munjeri recently launched her debut book titled Surviving the agony of shame: which she said was based on her personal life experiences.
In an interview Munjeri told this publication that the struggles she faced as she grew up and her passion to teach others on the same situation motivated her to write the book on shame.
“This is what it is, as you have just read on the book’s blub, after 30 years of being tormented by this creature called shame, I successfully wrote down an array of issues, some that will definitely leave one crushed in spirit and tears in your eyes, healed and encouraged as one flip over the pages,” said Munjeri.
Although the down to earth author is steadily getting a fair share of popularity in Zimbabwe, she is making waves in China and across the globe through the use of extra pick-me-up writing styles. Her wings of transformation manifests through her life changing literary work, officially launched at a colorful event held at Gweru Memorial Library on Saturday the 29th of July 2023.
“I wrote my first book-Surviving the agony of pain with the ultimate goal of assisting people going through different experiences that expose them to shame. This book is the center of solution for every Exposé of any magnitude, it tackles shame caused by poverty, failure and divorce among other denigrating realities of life, “she said to a deafening round of applause from the audience.
Munjeri’s also told the audience that 2000 copies of “surviving the Agony of Shame” were last year sold in china, and some on Amazon.
“I have been through a lot of tough situations in my life, which required me to let go and I thank God because I conquered and felt I should write a book to help others,” he said.
Munjeri who is a certified international teacher successfully wrote down an array of thought-provoking issues in her book. According to Tracy Happy, as Munjeri is affectionately known in the circles of writing, the book is a medicine that conceals shame, give encouragement and hope to those that already lost hope.
The book launched today she said, details the benefits of endurance and perseverance after shame haunt a person and explores reasons why many people commit suicide, murder and struggle and die because of shame.
The book comes with an understanding that people are wired differently and, therefore, tackle shame differently.
The must-read book is an utmost remedy especially at this juncture where “Revenge Porn” or nude pictures are used as weapons for character assassination by grieved partners, dumped by loved ones. ‘Surviving the Agony of Shame ’brings the understanding and managing of massive effect of shame as well as easy the impact of Non-Consensual Intimate Images (NCII) Violence.
The increased use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the past decade has led to the rise of a new form of gender-based violence GBV.Due to the escalating use of technology and the internet, women are more vulnerable than ever to abuse and violence. Women face multiple forms of technology-related violence including non-consensual intimate images (NCII) commonly known as “revenge pornography”, blackmail, bullying, stalking, and sexual harassment.
The author has published four novels, namely Surviving the Agony of shame, Unstoppable act of kindness, I am seated in Heavenly places, I am a sunrise teenager. She is currently working on the fifth book titled “Arise from your Shame”.
The clear spoken Munjeri is a philanthropist, who is working for the public good, focuses on quality of life said the book will make readers to emerge from their shells and unleash their greatness. The author who is in the 40s the book was published to enlighten the reader on various issues around shame.
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