ZBC presenters fired for saying Colonialism was justified

…..Pedle disgusting tribal crass that King Lobengula sold the country for Sugar to Britain.

By Kwedu News

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Jenfan Muswere has dismissed the state-owned Zimbabwe Broadcasting (ZBC) board and got two television presenters suspended over scandalously crass remarks they made on a recent programme, saying colonialism was justified to some extent and Ndebele King Lobengula Khumalo sold the country for sugar to imperial Britain, Kwedu News can reveal.

Showing their ignorance and tribally divisive mentality a video clip of the presenters,
Farai Juliet Magada and
Victoria Manase , wallowing in blissful ignorance in their flippant show, has now gone viral with them frivolously discussing historical issues about the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994 and colonisation, while giggling and laughing throughout their shallow and insulting exchanges.

The discussion, which they described as trivia in a pathetic disclaimer, focuses on South Africa, colonialism and slavery.
In a moment of crass ignorance and mischief, which recycles a discredited colonial and tribal myth, Manase exuberantly repeats the hugely discredited and tired lie that Lobengula sold the country for sugar.
Some even say for a mirror!
A source said
“The minister (Muswere) has dismissed the ZBC board and got the acting ZBC chief (who is currently standing in for Adelaide Chikunguru away on holiday leave) to suspend those two ignorant presenters who are peddling old tribal myths and lies on national television. Their show was scandalous.
“Interestingly, one of the presenters (Magada) is the lady who was entangled in the messy Robson Mhandu sex scandal at ZBC.”
Mhandu, a veteran broadcaster, was hauled over the coals last year after he brazenly demanded sex from Magada,
a ZBC female presenter, in order to approve her transfer request from Bulawayo to Harare.
Mhandu, who has over two decades at the ZBC on and off, told Magada, also known as Farie Jules, that she needed to “motivate me by work and number two, the obvious… it’s a combination of the two.”
He said: “Tell me if you don’t want to do it and you’ll go back to Bulawayo.”
Boasting about his toxic masculinity and virility, while projecting himself as a lion, his totem, Mhandu said he wanted to devour Magada and her transfer would be quickly approved – a clear case of quid pro quo sexual harassment.
Mhandu’s crude and aggressive sexual advances were caught in a clear audio recording of their meeting in his office at Pockets Hill, Highlands, Harare.
Watch the full video below

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