Zanu PF wins weekend by elections

Zanu PF capitalise on “confusion” in opposition to win weekend by-elections
By Dumisani Ndlovu
The ruling Zanu PF party says is confident of winning the Parliamentary by-elections for the Harare East and Mount Pleasant constituencies on Saturday, capitalising on the confusion which its official say is in the opposition.
Zanu PF director of information Farai Marapira said that the political terrain in the capital, traditionally an opposition stronghold, has changed drastically over the years with the situation now favoring Zanu PF.
The two seats fell vacant following the resignation on February 4 this year of Fadzayi Mahere and Rusty Markham respectively of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change in solidarity with former leader Nelson Chamisa, who had also left the party.
Zanu PF candidates George Mashavave and Kiven Mutimbanyoka will square off against independent candidates Naison Mamutse and Brian Ticky in Mt Pleasant, and Ropafadzo Cheza in Harare East respectively.
A CCC faction led by Jameson Timba has pledged to support the independent candidates while other factions, one led by secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu and another led by Welshman Ncube did not field candidates.
The opposition in Zimbabwe is in disarray, with the once formidable CCC embroiled in turmoil since last year, starting soon after the August harmonised elections when previously unknown Tshabangu declared himself secretary general and went on to recall elected legislators.
Since then, the party has splintered into three factions, one led by Jameson Timba, another one led by Tshabangu and another one led by Welshman Ncube.
“We spoke about this during the 2023 elections that when we took Mbare, the terrain was changing and Zanu PF was becoming more and more relevant to the city and the opposition is becoming more exposed and irrelevant to the aspirations of the people,” said Marapira.
He said Zanu PF was expecting nothing short of a landslide victory in both constituencies, adding that they were also upbeat that the electorate would prove its trust in the ruling party.
The ruling party has been winning the bulk of the by-elections held since the August 2023 harmonised elections.
Marapira urged Zanu PF supporters to go out in their numbers and vote resoundingly for the ruling party to ensure that both the gains of the liberation struggle and the future of the country are safeguarded.
He implored the electorate to heed the call by President Emmerson Mnangagwa during the 2023 harmonised elections to vote in peace. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has since indicated that it is prepared to hold the by-elections with 109 polling stations having been identified.