By Reason Wafawarova

The nefarious claim that there is such a thing as a ZANU PF Bulawayo Conference Resolution endorsing a Third Term for President ED Mnangagwa is playing the fandango dance with facts.

It is based on a farrago of confusion created by the puerile exuberance of vainglorious verbosity by the likes of Cde Christopher Mutsvangwa and adopted for magnification by isolated political desperados like Supa Mandiwanzira; and this has created a phantasmagoria of conflicting images of an imaginary illusory visionary leader being raucously pushed into office against his will by a mesmerised populace – itself a dreamland illusion around an unassuming President whose departure is most certainly the most awaited for thing ever to happen to Zimbabwean humanity.

Cde Mutsvangwa is a sophistical rhetorician often inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity, most of the time drawing at the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument, certainly providing to his listeners more comical entertainment than information.

He just told us that he was the indisputable arbiter of intellectual excellence at the war rear in Mozambique when he joined in the middle of the armed struggle in 1975, and his academic accolade was dropping out of university to join the “village herdboys” in fighting down the colonial empire.

Let me not digress. All that happened in Bulawayo is Obert Mpofu calling Goodwills Masimirembwa to greet delegates on behalf of Harare Province. Masimirembwa then added to his slogan “2030 VaMnangagwa vanenge vachipo!” The chant was then repeated by provincial chairpersons from Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West, Masvingo, Matebeleland North, Matebeleland South and the Midlands.

It is this comical sloganeering drama that is being elevated to the level of a conference resolution, clearly taking ordinary ZANU PF members who did not attend the conference for manipulable fools.

There was no unanimity in Bulawayo, and that is why Patrick Chinamasa cleared the air by saying the matter of a third term did not arise because it essentially was a national referendum matter, not a partisan agenda.

Have a good day fellow Zimbabweans as we watch this foolishly organised choreography celebrated by its inner circle foot soldiers as a complex political strategy – mooted by half drunk half a dozen men at a certain farm in KweKwe some time in 2023.

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Reason Wafawarova