Society urged to preserve natural resources

Mhakwe heritage foundation Trust urges people to preserve natural resources
By Memory Mudzani
David Mutambirwa who is known as chief Svosve the director and founder of Mhakwe heritage foundation Trust (MHFT) said as an organization they are advocating for the protection of natural resources which include mountains, trees, land and preservation of our cultural beliefs as Zimbabweans.
“We advocate for Heritage and Culture preservation through research and documentation, Preservation of indigenous knowledge systems, wetlands, indigenous tree’s, indigenous food’s and medicine, Arts, sacred places, minority groups language and culture ,”said Mutambirwa

Mutambirwa said their main focus is to avail platforms for citizens to have self-introspection on their own cultural identity in their diversity.
He said as an organization they have created online platforms where they are able to meet with people from different places so as to discuss cultural traditions and ways to protect natural resources

Mutambirwa encourages people to respect mountains as he said mountains are sacred places, they are the source of life, and where people communicate with their ancestral spirits.
“People should respect mountains because mountains are sacred places, they are the source of life, and where people communicate with the ancestral spirits, they are also a habitat for wildlife, including animals that are sacred of indigenous people, “said Mutambirwa
He also said that people should protect indigenous trees because vegetation is important for our health, it gives us food and also it helps in the rain making processes.

“As citizens of Zimbabwe we should protect our environment by preserving our trees because they beautify our surroundings, purify our air and water, provide food for us and they are also used to make both traditional and modern medicine,” said Mutambirwa
The director of Mhakwe heritage foundation trust said people should stop placing evil shrines in mountains and also their system of tying cloths of different colors on trees while doing evil covenant because it will anger the ancestors .

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