African societies should address the needs of people with Albinism

Societies should create enabling environment for people with albinism
By Memory Mudzani
The senator for the disability in the parliament of Zimbabwe Nasper Manyau who is also the founder of Arret foundation Trust urged societies in Africa to create an enabling environment for people with albinism .
In an interview with this publication Manyau said people with albinism should be treated like everyone else in African countries.

Manyau said there is need to advocate and create awareness for people with albinism in Africa, because some tribes in Africa still believe that Albinism is a curse which is resulting in people with albinism being treated like children of a lesser God in these societies.
Manyau also said that sunscreen lotions for people with albinism are too expensive in Zimbabwe and they are mostly found in pharmacies which makes it difficult for people with albinism who live in grassroots areas and for someone from a poor background to access these sunscreen lotions ,so she suggested that people with albinism should be given free health care because of their light peel skin which needs good skin care as they develop skin cancer if they lack resources and this will affect their future and the future of the nation as a whole.

She also said sunscreens for people with albinism should be sold in shops and at an affordable price just like Vaseline.
Manyau further said that companies need to employ people with albinism so that they will depend on themselves and the government must make it mandatory for each and every company to employ people with albinism as long as their working environments are not too harsh for them.
“Companies need to employ people with albinism so that they become self sustainable and also introduce projects for people with albinism to learn how to make their own products which will develop our country’s economy ” said Manyau
She further said that people with albinism are affected by climate change, so companies who make skin care products for people with albinism need to upgrade and produce sustainable skin care products.
Added Manyau, people with albinism need a Health center in Zimbabwe where they will be treated because Parirenyatwa treats skin cancer for people with albinism sometimes but the problem is they don’t have anywhere to stay, so if they have their own center it will be easy for them to access health facilities while societies should bridge the gap between people with disabilities and their fellow counterparts who donot have disabilities.

“It everyone’s duty to bridge the gap between people with disabilities and their counterparts who donot have disabilities and change our perception of people with albinism in Africa as a whole, “said Manyau

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Senator for Disability (Parliament of Zimbabwe)–Nasper Manyau