Shurugwi gold mine wrangle spills into court

By Court Reporter

New Generation Mining Syndicate has dragged long time defeated Zanu PF aspiring Member of Parliament to court, Charles Simbi ordering him to stop illegal mining operations at the company’s Fletcher 986 Mine in Shurugwi pending a determination of the dispute. 

Musiyiwa Silas Paradza who recently approached Kwekwe Civil Court seeking peace order from Simbi whom he described as a mining ‘vulture’ who stand accused of willy-nilly besieging mines in search of the precious mineral. 

Mr Paradza, the owner of the mining claim, made demands through Kwekwe Magistrate on Tuesday 19 December 2023, seeking the conquered politician, Simbi, to be ordered to vacate the premises and stop putting illegal structures at the mining premises.

”Your worship on behalf of my client, I seek order to stop all despoiling activities and unlawful constructing of structures at the site by the respondent until the wrangles over what I have highlighted were resolved,” said New Generation Mining Syndicate lawyer, Praise Nyeverayi of Mavhiringidze and Mashanyare Legal Practitioners.

Advocate Nyeverayi who filed spoliation papers under case number KKGL 394/23 told the court that her client’s relief sought cite that Simbi, his proxies and assigns be and ordered to stay away from the applicant’s mine and to restore immediate peaceful possession of Fletcher 986 Mine to the applicant.

The lawyer also demanded order to remove materials from the applicant’s Fletcher Mine as well as order for Simbi to pay costs of suit on a higher scale.

Paradza’s lawyer went on to tell the court that the mine evasion by Simbi is depriving her client of its peaceful use and possession of the mine.
“The respondent also brought people on the 21st of November 2023 to the mine who are in the process of setting up an illegal structure to be used as their shelter. The Civil court postponed the matter to 29 December 2023.

Simbi was represented by a lawyer from Tanaka Law chambers.

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