By Delicious Mathuthu
In a heart wrenching incident, a-two-year-old girl was murdered, had her heart removed before dumping the body in a disused mine shaft for ritual purposes in Gokwe North under Chief Chireya, Village 17 in Mupukuta.
The accused father is said wanted to boost his mining business.
This comes barely a month after the High Court death sentence judgement of Tapiwa Makore Junior’s two murderers, for similar business boosting rituals.
The accused, Thomas Muzenda (38), who separated with his wife, is in police custody and is said was instructed to commit the murder by his accomplice, a traditional healer only identified as Dhumba, who is now on the run.
The girl’s maternal grandmother alerted police after being suspicious of the minor’s absence for long after not getting a satisfactory answer on her whereabouts from the accused father.
Midlands Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the murder, saying the issue came to light recently but it is suspected to have occured in January this year (2023).
“Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the alleged murder of a 2-year-old girl by her father in a suspected ritual act,” he confirmed.
Circumstances leading to the killing are that the accused Muzenda, after divorce with his wife, remained with the custody of their two children, one aged seven and the other two.
It is alleged Muzenda then took his seven year old boy to his mother and remained with the
“He is then alleged to have approached a traditional healer only named as Dhumba for rituals (to) boost his mining business and was told to sacrifice one of his children.
“Muzenda, on an unknown date in January 2023 is alleged to have killed his 2 year old daughter, removed her heart and threw the body into a disused mine,” Inspector Mahoko said.
He said when the maternal grandmother went to the suspect’s homestead to enquire about her granddaughter, she was not given satisfactory answer.
A man hunt for the traditional healer is underway and Police have appealed to members of the public to assist with information that can lead to the arrest of Dhumba or how the murder occured.
“Police are appealing to members of the public with information which may assist in the investigation and apprehension of the suspect, Dhumba to approach any police station,” Inspector Mahoko said.
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