Shocking details of sexual harassment at Gweru Poly,lecturer is accused of fondling female students

As principal is accused of protecting the lecturer

By Harry Taruva and Delicious Mathuthu

A Lecturer at Gweru Polytechnic College located in the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe, is allegedly sexually harassing students, fondling their breasts and accused of attempted rape, Kwedu News can reveal.

The institution has since launched investigations into the matter amid accusations that the college Principal, Mr Washington Chandiwana, was trying to sweep the sexual assaults under the carpet as he has close links with the accused perpetrator.

It is believed the accused, Mr Edwin Chidume, who is the IT Manager at the college, is in the habit of taking some time alone with female students on attachment in order to make sexual advances.

Resistance allegedly results in unbearable working and learning conditions at the college to frustrate his victims.

Following a tip off from whistle blowers at the college, Kwedu News investigations led to some of the student victims and close relatives, who shared how the Lecturer allegedly sexually assaults students.

One of the victims, who ended up transferring from the institution to finish her work related learning elsewhere, confirmed being sexually harassed but said the case was now under investigation at the college and could not comment till it is concluded.

“They are still inquiring on the issue so that they can verify it.

“At the moment there is no comment that I can give you,” she said.

A source in light of what transpired, however shared how Chidume allegedly attempted to rape the victim.

“…akasvikirwa kuneimwe room yema-computers ku new Education Block kunonzi ku-UBH ndobva…Edwin Chidume vadzinga vana vose.

“Ndobva vatogwisana naye vachida kutoisa tsvimbo yamhozisi musikarudzi yemwanasikana.

“Vakagwisana kwekanguva mkadzi ndokuzoita zvokurova negokora pachifuva ndokupukunyuka,” the source said.
(He found her in one of the computer rooms at the new Education Block called UBH, then Edwin Chidume chased away all other students. Then he started wrestling with her trying to rape her. They fought for some time then the woman elbowed him in the chest and escaped.)

The victim, married, is said to have reported the issue to the college administration, including in writing.

The administration however advised her not to report the sexual assault to the police but no action was taken, which led her to transfer.

“She reported the issue to the administration, meaning the Vice Principal and the Principal and wrote a letter of circumstances and submitted the issue.

“Vakamuti chirega kuenda ku-police timbonzwa kuti mukuru vanotii nazvo since sexual harassment code new one yavepo.
(They said don’t go to the police so that we hear what the boss says since now the’re is a new sexual harassment code)

“After she realized kuti nothing is happening to her allegations, she and the hubby resorted to leaving Gweru Poly and seek other peaceful places to finish up her work related learning course,” the source said.

In another case, using the same modus operandi, Chidume is alleged to have fondled one of the female students’ breast without her consent after sending away other students.

The father to the victim spoke to Kwedu News on what allegedly transpired adding that her daughter fears victimisation from the perpetrator.

“When she started her attachment they were working in a lab set aside for students in ICT at the institution and she was the only lady in her group.

“So the lecturer would assign roles to the boys and leave the girl alone in the lab.

“After the boys left, he approached the girl from behind and held her shoulders and whisper[ed] to her,” he said.

The father said Chidume allegedly did that several times before making his move.

“She said when he saw that I wasn’t responding, he touched her breasts.

“She immediately stood up and left the room. So I told her kuti avaudze kuti vasamubate (I told her that she tells him not to touch her),” the father said.

He said her daughter refused to report the incident to authorities fearing being made to fail her attachment.

“I instructed her to Chimburi or Madam Nzvenga. But munhu anotya and fears victimization, she declined.

“I tried to convince her to report to the police akati ndinotya kuzofoira attachment (she said she fears failing attachment),” the father added.

Her not reporting the assault, backfired as Chidume assaulted her again in the same manner, but this time she screamed to scare him off.

After the screaming incident, Chidume allegedly decided to make her life difficult at the college, allegedly scolding and calling her names publicly.

“On the second attempt he made, she told me that she screamed to scare him off.

“It worked and he never touched her again.

“However, he started giving her extra roles to frustrate her and even asking her to come on weekends alone without the other students.

“She told me that he would shout at her in the open, in front of students or staff and called her dull,” the father said.

Several attempts by Kwedu News to get a comment from Mr Chidume on his side of the story on the allegations failed.

He told one of these reporters that he will get back, but never did till time of publication.

Kwedu News managed to contact the Gweru Polytechnic College Principal, Mr Chandiwana, who confirmed that indeed the’re is a case that was reported and is now under investigation.

He however said only one case was reported and dismissed allegations that he has close links with Chidume.

“I have one official issue, the others are just rumours which those with information should bring to my attention,” Mr Chandiwana said.

“Cases that are brought to the attention of the Principal are dealt with.

“So far from the time I came to Gweru Poly, that was around July 2010, from that period, only two cases were brought to my attention, we investigated them and two members of staff were dismissed forthwith,” he said.

Mr Chandiwana said they have a suggestion box at the institution but it is not being utilised and also he constantly addresses students to remind them to report if they face such issues.

He said the single case reported was brought to him indirectly by the Vice Principal, but it was never formally reported to him.

“It was brought to my attention through the Vice Principal who heard these issues being talked about in the institution.

“It was not formally brought to me but the Vice Principal got wind of that and he called the student, the student wrote a report.

“We are working on the issue day in, day out,” Mr Chandiwana said.

He said for as long as people keep quiet on such issues and only talk in the corridors there is no way he and the administration may know.

He said as the Principal, he has assembled a team to investigate the case and called in one of the affected students, who is now in South Africa.

“I have set up a team and so Monday we are starting and I am going to bring one of the students who I called.

“There is someone who called me from South Africa. The student was this and that, and that, fell victim and was harassed; so I phoned that student and she is coming on Monday,” he said.

On the alleged close links with Chidume, Chandiwana distanced himself saying Chidume actually hates him instead at the college.

“I will tell you something, I have minutes; I want you to listen very carefully.

“I had a meeting about two, three years ago with the Vice Principal, one of the Secretaries, myself and Mr Chidume.

“I said minutes should be written and I stressed in that meeting that people think Mr Chidume is my
friend but if there is anyone who hates me in this institution, is Mr Chidume; its on record.

“People don’t know that but it’s on record, because of certain things which happen.

“I don’t hate a member of staff, I work with members of staff.

“If a member of staff does something which wants to undermine my authority or which is intended for me to fall, I will deal with that issue but I wouldn’t hate that member of staff.

“That’s my principle, I deal with issues and not individuals. If an individual does something I will simply sit down and I have these things recorded.

“So it is nonsensical for anyone to think that Mr Chidume is my friend. I don’t have a friend at work, I have colleagues,” Mr Chandiwana said.

He added that he has no reason to be dragging his feet on the issue as dealing with them is part of his job.

He said people are innocent till proven guilty and they should be allowed to do everything and make conclusions as an institution then the full story will be disclosed as there are a lot of dynamics involved.

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10 thoughts on “Shocking details of sexual harassment at Gweru Poly,lecturer is accused of fondling female students”

  1. Privilege Chigavo

    I noticed he was a problem even rumours from the students were spreading about Mr chidhume, I believe scandals did happen many times to female students and they remained silent.

    The lecturer could speak in riddles trying to get my attention. I was aware of this and l stopped visiting his office ndaive ndakavangwarira

    1. harrytaruva91

      Thank you for visiting Hericom media the home of Kwedu Classics. We greatly value your interaction and feedback. Thank you for your courage in speaking out against such evil .

      Don’t forget to share ,like and follow Kwedu on Facebook..instagram. twitter and yutube

  2. Too bad. A lot things are happening in this world. Only people who are not focused will agree to such things. Students must focus on their education. Some of them seduce and entertain these lecturers.When things go wrong they say they have been raped. And some of the lecturers also lack discipline. They decieve lazy students by promising them I will make you pass.What a shame. Only God knows the truth.

    1. harrytaruva91

      Thank you for visiting Hericom media. The Home of Kwedu Classics. We greatly value your interaction and feedback. Please don’t forget to and follow on Facebook. Instagram..twitter and yutube

  3. Tina chikwesha

    Let’s not rush to blame the so called sex predator. These college girls have lose morals. Hunhu, Ubuntu hapachina.
    It’s unfortunate the lecturers become responsible for their actions. They seeks favours and takes advantage of lecturers who are very social.

    1. harrytaruva91

      But why do we want to blame the victim and accuse her of causing the suspect to abuse her or harrass her..This is unfair and unfortunate…No abuse or harassment is justified under whatever circumstance

  4. Chamu Chemhuru

    It’s very unfortunate this Dude has been sacrificed alone yet we have people like GT Mugadza whose actually impregnated a female student but is still there at the learning institution. Another lecturer impregnated a student and forced her to abort leading to her death, but the lecturer is still there. Poor you Mr Chidume.

    1. harrytaruva91

      Thank you very much for visiting Hericom media,the home of Kwedu Classics,where we say your story is our story. We greatly value your feedback and interaction. Remember to follow,share and like our pages on Facebook, instagram, yutube or Twitter.

      We are happy to pursue this matter to the last detail. Kindly app me on +61431731651 and provide more details on the issue of the other lecturer who impregnated mwana.

      We are happy and waiting to pursue it..We assure you that your identity and details will never be Kindly feel free to app me so that we talk in detail.

      Harry Taruva
      Founder and Executive Producer.

  5. When we send our children to school or college, teachers/lecturers take the position of a parent. If the children or students misbehave, it the duty of the teacher to correct and not to abuse. Thumbs up for the students who reported the predator. Munhu asinganyari akachata takatarisa tikati aita chinhu chakanaka. Anga abva ku Honey Moon nguvai.

    1. harrytaruva91

      Thank you very much for visiting Hericom media,the home of Kwedu Classics,where we say your story is our story. We greatly value your feedback and interaction. Remember to follow,share and like our pages on Facebook, instagram, yutube or Twitter.

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