By Memory Mudzani
Sexual harassment remains rampant despite the awareness interventions done in public spaces to create a safer working environment for women.

In interview with Kwedu News a young woman who identified herself as Vimbai Mpofu said Sexual harassment is a conduct that is affecting most women at their different workplaces and some women end up giving in to this harassment allowing their male counterparts satisfying themselves the way they want to because in most cases it will be from their superiors and these perpetrators will be threatening the victims with losing their jobs and as a result these women end up having mental health problems because they will be dying in silence .
A young woman who decided to be anonymous for security reasons also said where she works young women and female students on attachment face a lot of sexual harassment from their bosses and they are not doing anything about this issue because they are being threatened that they will fail if they refuse to give in to the demands of their boss and this is affecting them mentally and physically.

Betina Mutambara, chairperson of Zimbabwe women empowerment and child rights organization told this publication that victims of sexual harassment are predominantly women and they are usually asked for sexual favors from their superiors in exchange for promotions or job opportunities and as Zimbabwe Women Empowerment and Child Rights Organization they do what is within their power to ensure that these women know what sexual harassment is and the channels of communication.
Mutambara further said that as an organization they are trying to disseminate information and empowering women on the issue of sexual harassment, she also said dialogues with both employees and employers thus involving the victims and the perpetrator on what sexual harassment is and how to handle the situation, guidance and counselling services or psychosocial support and Peer groups of victims who help in educating others can help to try and curb sexual harassment issues and their effects.

She further said that they work closely with the victim friendly unit and they can even accompany the police to arrest the perpetrator.
“We work closely with the victim friendly unit, we can even accompany the police to arrest the perpetrator and we also offer financial or material support to those victims who need to appear before the court within our district,” said Mutambara

Zimbabwe Women lawyers Association (ZWLA) in an article published in June 2018 noted that Sexual harassment comprises of a range of behavior from verbal teasing to conduct that is criminal, for example criminal assault ,it is generally associated with requests for sexual favours, sexual advances or other sexual conduct when giving in is either directly or indirectly a condition affecting decisions; the behavior is of a degree that creates an intimidating or uncomfortable environment for the victim; or the harasser continues with such behavior despite objection from the victim against whom it is directed.

ZWLA further noted that Labour Act [Chapter28:01] prohibits sexual harassment at the workplace, Sexual harassment is considered one of the unfair labour practices and an employer can be held liable for civil remedies only ,Labour Act strictly prohibits asking for sexual favours for the recruitment for employment; or the creation, classification or abolition of jobs or posts; or the improvement of the remuneration or other conditions of employment of the employee; or the choice of persons for jobs or posts, training, advancement, apprenticeships, transfer, promotion or retrenchment; or the provision of facilities related to or connected with employment; or any other matter related to employment.

Mutambara also said ending the problem can be gradual rather than a once off effort, Programs should focus on both parties ,that is the perceived perpetrators and the victims so that both parties will understand the subject.

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