Saddled with debt PSMI employee received death threats, abuse and later committed suicide.

Debt Ridden PSMI Suicide Employee Received Death Threats, Tribalism for exposing graft

By Delicious Mathuthu

The Premier Service Medical Investments (PSMI) employee who committed suicide last week after going for months without pay and accruing massive debts was also being threatened for exposing rot and theft at PSMI in Bulawayo, Kwedu News can reveal.

Bernard Chatindivara, who was PSMI Loss Control Supervisor, stationed in Bulawayo at the time of his death, in a letter to his superiors, said he was tribally victimised by some of the senior staff who accused him of spying on them.

The debts he accrued were not only personal but also while doing company business.

In a letter, seen by Kwedu News, Chatindivara had requested for a transfer due to unfavourable working conditions and had also reached the minimum five year company policy before transfer but was denied.

“My request was turned down with threats from the Loss Control
Manager,” he said in the letter.

Chatindivara, who joined PSMI Region B in 2012, exposed more than 60 cases during his 10 year working period in Bualwayo but said some cases were never resolved.

He received death threats instead after some of the exposures with the last being in January 2023 after theft and abuse of PSMI company properties.

“During the period from 2013 to 25/02/2023, about sixty (60) cases committed were investigated, but some were not solved
accordingly due to tribal tendencies.

“For that reason I am hated to the extent that they are planning to kill me.

“On the 17th day of January 23, I submitted a report on the missing
spare wheels, battery and the waste damaged properties vehicle,
registration number NP 200 AEN-0831.

“In the report I copied Mr S. Dhliwayo fleet Manager, Mr C. Nyamajiwa Acting Loss Control Manager, Mr S. Musakasa Human resources Manager and Ms X. Gumbo Human Resources Business Partner.

“Mr S. Dhliwayo
forwarded the report to Sibonginkosi Ndlovu to respond and during
the process of responding, Ndlovu forwarded the report to Itai Mapasure who was not entitled to see the report,” Chatindivara wrote.

“On seeing the report Itai became angry and he started hunting for me.

“Two days down the line
it was on the 25th morning of January 2023 at Standish. Itai wrongfully insulted [me], threatened to
kill me because of the report.

“I recorded an audio as evidence, he had no right whatsoever to physically give death threats.

“A police report was made to Bulawayo Central reference number 1R 633/23.

“Since Itai physically and intentionally threatened [me] with assault and death threats, my life is no longer safe and to continue working in the region, therefore I am seeking an urgent transfer from this region to Harare,” part of Chatindivara’s request letter reads.

PSMI Workers Council Chairperson Mr Munyaradzi Nharaunda confirmed the tragic development.

“Yes we have a guy who committed suicide in Bulawayo because he had accrued debts due to Loss Control issues.

“So people were now after him and he requested to be removed from there but the company didn’t do anything.

“So he ultimately committed suicide,” Nharaunda said.

Apart from work threats, the deceased was part of PSMI employees who have gone for months without salaries.

The workers blame their top management and board members for corruption and maladministration which has destroyed the company.

The workers have called for a cleansing exercise at the institution to get rid of corrupt elements.

They have embarked on a strike till they are paid their owed salaries and allowances.
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Late Benard Chatindivara