Revealed” ZANU PF Position on extending Presidential term of office “

…Dismisses messages circulating on social media as fake.

By Harry Taruva

Zimbabwe’ ruling party ZANU PF has said there are no conversations yet on extending the Presidential Term of office within the party,adding that such conversations are coming from outside.

In an exclusive interview with Kwedu News,ZANU Pf Director of Information Farai Marapira said the adoption of the ” ED 2030 ” Slogan was a mere appreciation and recognition of the work being done by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to rebuild the country. This comes after Vice President Kembo Mohadi last week publicly chanted the Slogan “ED 2030 ” at the National Youth Day Commemorations in Masvingo as he introduced President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mr Marapira also condemned and dismissed as fake a press release circulating on social media purportedly written by Party spokesperson Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa.
” That message didnot originate from my office…..” he said, adding that its disinformation meant to cause confusion and disunity. The said press statement(attached) appears to attack the ZANU Pf leadership at the National Youth day for chanting the ” ED 2030″slogan.

The events have fueled speculation and debate in the country that the ruling party is mulling the idea of amending the constitution so that President ED Mnangagwa may serve a third term

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