As Supreme Court reserves judgement on 12 CCC Mps
By Harry Taruva from Sydney Australia
Zanu PF National Spokesperson Ambassador Chris Mutsvangwa has said President ED Mnangagwa will comply with and respect the outcomes on all the pending electoral cases before the courts.
In an interview with Kwedu News, Ambassador Mutsvangwa refuted allegations that President Mnangagwa was using the courts to eliminate his political opponents from the August 23 elections.
In a statement Mutsvangwa said “Both Chamisa and Kasukuwere issues have to do with the courts in a Constitutional Republic with separation of powers between Judiciary, Parliament and Executive.
“Nowhere in their legal travails is the President the involved as complainant or plaintiff.
“Both Chamisa and Kasukuwere are under kosher for flouting the electoral statutes of the land. They need to cleanse themselves before the independence of the judiciary. In the event they succeed President EDM as a principled constitutionalist will fully comply.”
Addressing his supporters in Marondera last weekend, CCC leader Nelson Chamisa charged that Mnangagwa was using the courts to eliminate 12 Mps from his part and Kasukuwere.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe reserved judgement on the case of the 12 CCC Mps to Thursday 3 August at 12 :00 .
This is contrary to fake news circulating on social media last night that the court had given a verdict on the matter.
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