Panic as daring cattle rustlers terrorise farmers in Midlands

Rustlers slaughter scores of cattle in their kraals

By Delicious Mathuthu
Daring cattle rustlers, suspected to be armed, are terrorising farmers in the Midlands province leaving most farmers in panic as they are slaughtering them in kraals near homesteads.

Cattle slaughtered by rustlers in Lalapanzi

Most affected areas, as ascertained by this publication and cases reported to the police, include Lalapanzi near Mvuma, Somabhula, Chiwundura, Lower Gweru and SINO areas.
On the 21st of January 2023 a Lalapanzi farmer, Mr Robert Dliwayo of Plot No. 19 Gando lost six of his 31 beasts, slaughtered inside his kraal at night.
The total value of the beasts lost was estimated at US$4 800.

Three of the cattle were left carcasses, with only bones remaining, while the other three had their lower parts deboned.
Midlands Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, confirmed the case saying they are currently on a manhunt for the culprits.

“Zimbabwe Republic Police has launched a man-hunt for unknown suspects behind a case of stock theft which occurred at Plot number 19, Gando, in Lalapanzi.
“…on 21 January 2023 at around 0700 hours (Evans) Dzvairo (aged 48 and employed as a herd-boy) woke up and discovered that 6 cattle had been slaughtered inside the kraal. Three of the cattle had been completely deboned whilst 3 had the lower parts deboned,” Inspector Mahoko said.
A week later, in the same area, four suspects were caught red handed slaughtering a beast at Hillview 1 farm, Lalapanzi, at around 10 pm.
Alert neighbours noticed unusual activity at one of the suspects’ kraal, Muruvi Murivi, late in the evening slaughtering cattle.

The neighbours teamed up and alerted police who swiftly responded and caught the four suspects in the act.
After arresting the culprits, including a female suspect, police investigations led to the recovery of five more beasts that were stolen from one of the plots belonging to one Mr Hwacha of No. 29 Hillview 1.

The four are also suspected to be could be connected to the first case.
“… Police confirms the arrest of four suspects in connection with stock theft cases in Lalapanzi area. They were arrested during the night of 28 January 2023.
“The four are Muruvi Murivi (56), Evelyn Matoma a female adult, Godknows Dube (27) all of Hillview 1 Lalapanzi and Amon Mpofu (68) of Village 4 Makuti,” Inspector Mahoko confirmed.
The four are currently in police custody awaiting trial.

Despite the arrests, two days later on the night of January 30 or early morning on the 31st of January, a farmer from Somabhula Mr Nhlanhla Ndlovu, lost four beasts which were slaughtered in the exact same manner as the first January 21st Lalapanzi case.
The four stolen cattle have been valued at US$4 600.
One of the local farmers from the area who witnessed the remains of the crime, identified only as Mrs Mkhwananzi, said Somabhula farmers should be on the lookout and the local Councillor has issued an alert.

“We now have heartless thieves in Somabhula who are entering kraals and slaughtering cattle and only take steak leaving bones and offals.
“This happened at night (30 January) right next to where we stay, they slaughtered a big bull and three big oxen same night today.

“So the Councillor said I should alert you in all (WhatsApp) groups that all those with cattle should be careful.
“I don’t know what they use the steak for, whether its sausages or what,” she said.
Mrs Mkhwananzi said the incident is not the first in the area.
“This is the second incident like this, so those with cattle be careful. These people want big cattle, big bulls and big steers and this happened while the owner and his family were sleeping, right next to where I stay,” she said.
Another concerned villager residing at Somabhula Secondary School near where the stock theft incident occurred said the manner in which the thieves are daring, slaughtering cattle in kraals, they could be armed and could be a danger to locals who might try to apprehend them.

He also encouraged the revival of neighbourhood watch committees in villages and farming areas, with heavy patrols during the night.
Cases of stock theft have also reportedly increased in the SINO area along Mvuma road and in Chiwundura.
Farmers have challenged the Zimbabwe Republic Police to step up efforts to avert and catch the criminals as they are causing havoc.

Vungu Member of Parliament, Omega Sibanda said these are evil acts by the criminals and there is need for unity amongst farmers, villagers and neighbourhood watch committees to protect their livestock.
He said they are three wards under his constituency, including in Lower Gweru, that have also been affected by the marauding criminals.

Inspector Mahoko urged farmers to intensify their security measures to safeguard their stock.
In 2022, the Veterinary Department working with some Government departments embarked on an operation dubbed ‘Nyama Yabvepi’ which was mostly to curb the selling of uninspected meat from sick animals but also to minimise cases of stock theft.
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement, Dr John Basera is said to have threatened to intensify the operation following an increase in reported stock theft cases.
“This cattle rustling ‘scourge’ MUST STOP now. A ‘stricter’ ‘Operation Nyama Yabvepi’ [is] coming,” he is reported to have said.
A senior official in the Veterinary Field Services , Dr Reverend Spargo, in 2022, said it is criminal for any meat outlet to sell or display meat that is not processed in a registered slaughterhouse.

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