Newly elected leaders asked to prioritize and enhance service delivery

By Memory Mudzani
The newly elected councilors for Redcliff town are appreciating their residents for electing them as their councilors during the 2023 elections and they are promising their resident to prioritize and enhance service delivery in their community.

In an interview with Clayton Masiyatsva the former mayor for Redcliff town, who was reelected councilor for ward 3 said he would like to thank the residents of ward 3 for reelecting him as their representative and that he is promising Redcliff consistency residents that he is going to continue to pursue their vision to be a city by 2030 through the implementation of Redcliff turn off smart cities concept.

“I would like to thank the residents of ward 3 for reelecting me as their representative and I promise that I will continue to pursue our vision to be a city by 2030 through the implementation of our Redcliff turn off smart cities concept, ”Said Masiyatsva
Masiyatsva said that they will continue to push for Redcliff to be a water authority, he further said that the feasibility studies reports are now there both for the green dam and that to draw water from Dutchman pools and they are only left with the implementation now and they are looking for possible public private partnerships which he believes that with all the returning councilors they will work towards their dream.

Vincent Masiiwa who is the newly reelected councilor for ward 4 supported what was said by Masiyatsva when he told this reporter that he expect Redcliff to have its own water source and stop relying on kwekwe for water supply and he also promise to work towards improving road network especially the road from Batanai High school to Zisco offices.
Masiyatsva also said that in as the councilors they are promising the residents that they will make sure that they work towards fulfilling their election promises to the residents.
Thokozani Ndebele a newly elected councilor for ward 6 said that she wishs to improve service delivery in Redcliff by contributing in pushing for water service in Redcliff town ,by making sure that there are working streets light in her community and also by pushing for road mentainance in Redcliff constituency
Ndebele also promised that she is going to help her community by making sure that all reported sewages are attended in time and she also said she wanted to advocate for removal of skip bins as she said that they are unhygienic as they cause land pollution, she also mentioned that she wants to push for infrastructure repair at chitoto hostels where she said there is need to repair toilets and taps.

Willard Makonese the newly elected councilor for ward 1 Redcliff constituency wasn’t able to give feedback before the publication of this story.

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