Mining dispute murder cases shock Shurugwi residents

By Dumisani Ndlovu

The recent murder of two men in alleged gold mining disputes has left relatives and residents of the Shurugwi mining community shocked.

This comes after mining community experienced two murder cases in one day, a situation we think Zimbabwe Republic Police say now requires mine companies and respected people in the sector to put heads together and come up with effective strategies to curb crime.

In an press statement Provincial Community Relations Liaison Officer confirmed the incidents saying the murder incidents happened at Vital Mine, Wonderer Mine Complex and Gutsaruzhinji Co-operative in Shurugwi, under Gweru Rural Police District on 8 and 9 November 2023, within a space of 12 hours apart.

“The first incident happened at Vital Mine, Wonderer on 8 November 2023 at about 2100 hours. Brighton Vhudzijena, a man, aged 25 of Village Hakurimwi under Chief Nyakunhuwa, Jerera in Zaka, was blown to death after explosives were set on a wooden cabin he had hidden in”

“This was after a gang of unknown men stormed their mine for criminal purposes. The now deceased was at work accompanied by his brother Fanuel Vhudzijena. The gang was armed with an assortment of weapons and explosives. Sensing danger Fanuel bolted away while Brighton hid in a wooden cabin which was nearby,” said Inspector Mahoko.

Inspector Mahoko added that the gang tied the cabin door with a wire and set explosives which exploded and burned the cabin.

“The following morning Fanuel returned and discovered Brighton lying with serious burns and wounds. He was rushed to Shurugwi District hospital where he was admitted. He died on the 9 November 2023,”he said.

In the second incident, Insp. Mahoko said some cabins were destroyed at Gutsaruzhinji cooperative over mine disputes, on 9 November 2023 at about 0930 hours.

“ A group of men, three of them identified as Munyaradzi Hapazari of ZBS Shurugwi, Gashia Muchena and Ndumiso Chidaushe arrived at Gutsaruzhinji Cooperative to revenge. They met Tafadzwa Nkata (25) and Nhamo Mapiye who wanted to process their gold ore. The group fired two shots into the air. Tafadzwa Nkata and Nhamo Mapiye bolted away and the group pursued them,” Insp. Mahoko said.

“They caught up with Tafadzwa and assaulted him using axes, machetes and other sharp objects. He died on the spot and the gang ran away. Tafadzwa Nkata hails from village 10, Sosombe 1 under Chief Ntabeni in Zhombe,” he said.

Investigations are underway and the Inspector Mahoko also invited all those with information regarding these two Shurugwi murder cases to help the police.

“Communities are welcome to engage their local Police station and draw community policing initiatives relevant to their situation in an effort to prevent crime, “he appealed.

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