Mberengwa teen poisons own daughter

Mberengwa teen kills her daughter
By Memory Mudzani
A 19year old Mberengwa woman allegedly killed her 7months old daughter with fresh milk mixed with an organophosphate tablet.

It is the state’s case that on the 1st of March 2023 at around 1400hours at Village Shumba under Chief Mposi in Mberengwa, Felistus Mpofu left home in the company of her daughter intending to go to Zvishavane to seek for employment as a housemaid.
It is reported that Mpofu arrived in Zvishavane at around 2000 hours and became stranded at Mandava Bus Terminus.
It is alleged that Mpofu fed her baby with fresh milk mixed with an organophosphate tablet and at around 0300hours she sought accommodation at a house in Mandava.
It is further reported that the baby started to vomit and her condition deteriorated in no time and the woman from whom she had sought accommodation from, accompanied Mpofu to Zvishavane District Hospital where the baby was pronounced dead on arrival.

Investigations were made by ZRP Zvishavane and when Mpofu was searched a baby feeding bottle containing a smelly residue was found which led to the arrest of Mpofu

The body of the deceased was placed in a mortuary awaiting postmortem and the police is still investigating the case.
ZRP urges people to value the sacredness of life whether young or old for no one deserves to be killed.
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