Man sets former Co-tenant ablaze

Man sets former co-tenant apartment ablaze
By Dumisani Ndlovu

A 38 year old, suspect Evans Chirawo Matagu has been arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for setting ablaze the apartment of his former 64 year old female co-tenant.
Zimbabwe Republic Police confirmed the developments saying they recorded the case of attempted murder.

“ZRP recorded a case of attempted murder where a 64-year-old Shurugwi woman was set ablaze by his former co-tenant who doused her with petrol before lighting her with matches.

“The frightening incident occurred on the 15th day of June 2023 at around1400 hours at Montdor North, Bonsor, Shurugwi,” said Midlands Provincial Community Relations Liaison Officer, Emmanuel Mahoko.
Mahoko said the alleged suspect Evans Chirawo Matagu, went to the victim’s residence where she operates a shebeen.
“He quested for beer on credit and the complainant refused sighting that he already owed her money. The suspect got furious and set her on fire. Other shebeen patrons managed to put out the fire, saving her life,” Inspector Mahoko said.

The victim, he said was rushed to Shurugwi hospital after sustaining serious burns.
Police has since arrested the suspect and investigations are progressing. Police are appealing to members of the public not to resort to violence when in dispute. We also urge members of the public to have proper business structure sand to regularize their businesses.

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