Man given Life sentence for poisoning father

Gokwe man given life sentence for poisoning father

By Dumisani Ndlovu

Justine Chakauya (30) of Village 15A, Musadzi Village, Chireya in Gokwe, will spend the rest of his life in prison after he was convicted of poisoning his father with an unidentified poison.
This came after High Court Judge Justice Martin Makonese on Friday (3 February 2023) gave a stiffer sentence after being found guilty of murder in aggravated circumstances.

The unsuspecting father, Benias Chakauya on the 17th of May 2020 died after drinking poison-laced Jolly-Juice drink. Justine was arrested and charged with murder as defined in section 47(1) of criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.

The deceased father and the accused stayed together at the same homestead.
According to the Prosecutor, Mr Mirirai Shumba, the accused poisoned his biological father to death for causing misfortune in his life. The prosecutor told the court that Chakauya approached a traditional healer and told him that his father was causing misfortune in his life and he was hindering him from amassing wealth.

The traditional healer, the court heard, gave the accused a concoction, which he went and put into his father’s drink. Upon consuming the laced drink, the now-deceased fell unconscious bleeding from the mouth and nose.
The Prosecutor, Mr Mirirai Shumba further told the bench that the accused person left the deceased lying down in pain and left the homestead.
Mr Shumba seethe deceased’s lifeless body was discovered by his wife Jennifer Magasa who informed the neighbors.
“Life is God given, and is lived once. Life is sacred meaning to say we should respect life. As an adult, he knew what he was doing and the consequence thereof. I therefore call upon the court to take stern measures, My Lord and Honorable Assessors, ’he said.

In his ruling, Justice Makonese said Chakauya was found guilty of murder with actual intent. The Bulawayo High Court Judge, Justice Makonese said although his defence counsel, led by Mr Tatenda Zishiri of Kwande Legal Practitioners, had pleaded not guilty to the murder charge. The court made a finding that the murder appeared to have been premeditated.

Justice Makonese said despite attempts to distance the accused from crime by the defence counsel, and claims that the accused was young at the time of committing the crime appealing for a lighter sentence, the court has proven that the accused, actions were planned.

“In order to show you that this court respect life, the accused has been found guilty of murder with actual intent. The sentence provisions where the accused is found guilty of murder with actual intent. As a result you are sentenced to life imprisonment,” said Justice Makonese, replacing a smile with a tough expression.

Justice Makonese
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