Gweru Acting Town Clerk involved in accident barely 24hours after appointment.

New Gweru Acting Town Clerk involved in car crash barely 24hrs after appointment

By Delicious Mathuthu
Newly appointed Gweru Town Clerk, who is also the City’s Finance Director, Mr Livingston Churu, on Tuesday (21 February) escaped death after being involved in a car crash near Norton.

Mr Churu escaped the accident unhurt, despite the massive damage made to the Council Vehicle he was travelling in.
Though full details to the accident are not yet official, reports say the vehicle, a Land Cruiser VX SUV, burst a rear tyre before rolling thrice and landing on its side.

The accident occurs barely 24 hours after Mr Churu was appointed the new Gweru acting city boss following a recusal by former Acting Town Clerk and Chamber Secretary, Mr Vakai Chikwekwe, who has a pending case of criminal abuse of duty at the courts.
He was appointed to his new position by Gweru Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi on Monday (20 February 2023) as the next most senior official at the Municipality.
He, however, still remains the substantive Finance Director despite his elevation.

Ordinary residents have expressed mixed feelings over the incident on different social media platforms, with some suspecting foul play while others say accident do happen and nothing is unusual.
Others also bemoaned the destruction of the US$176 000 luxury vehicle, bought under protest by residents, barely 2 years from delivery.

Coincidentally, in 2020, Gweru City Council lost three employees who died in a car accident under very similar circumstances on their way to Harare.
The vehicle they were travelling in, a Nissan NP 300, also burst a rear tyre, veered off the road before hitting a tree along the Masvingo-Harare highway near Furtherstone.

The three were going to recover a council vehicle in Harare that was being used by former Engineer, Robson Manatsa, which had broken down.

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