Girl (15) raped while her siblings were watching

By Memory Mudzani
A 15-year-old minor from Mugan’a village under Chief Malisa in Zhombe was raped by a fellow villager whilst her siblings were watching, the incident occurred on 4 October 2023 at around 2130 hours.

It is alleged that the complainant was sleeping in her bedroom together with her two young brothers when Costa Muswazulu of Tito Village under chief Malisa gained entry into the room armed with a knife and he forced the complainant to wake up and pointed a knife at her threatening to stab her if she made any noise.

Muswazulu is said to have raped the complainant once.
It is reported that the complainant and her brothers screamed for help thereby waking up their elder brother who was sleeping in the kitchen and their brother tried to apprehend the suspect but the suspect hit him with a piece of wood before escaping, leaving behind his pairs of trousers and shoes which was taken by the police as exhibits.
Zimbabwe republic police is appealing to members of the public who might have information that may assist in the arrest of Costa Muswazulu to approach any nearest police station.

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