Climate change a nightmare for People with Disabilities

By Memory Mudzani
Climate change as one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has a devastating effect across all creation and humanity as it threatens food security, water security, human health as well as social economic and political stability.
In an interview with Kwedu News,Joseph Tsvayi Amor Zimbabwe Trust Projects Officer said like everyone else people with disabilities are affected by climate change and they are the most affected group because of their different conditions.

“ Like everyone else PWDs are affected by climate change and they are the most affected group of people because of their different conditions especially those with Albinism ,their skin is so sensitive to excessive heat which will cause some more complications on them ,their eye sight is also affected in these weather conditions and also Looking at those who have other physical challenges traveling in the burning sun causes them to dehydrated leading to any other complications associated with that ,” said Tsvayi

Senator Ishumael Zhou also told this publication that climate change has a double negative side to persons with disabilities, as an agro based economy, Zimbabwe is dependent on agricultural produce yet a very few persons with disabilities have access to agricultural land, agricultural inputs, and overall no stable income and also even those that have the means of production are found wanting as climate change had resulted in poor rainfall and droughts.

Zhou further said that due to the lack of state supported social protection system, persons with disabilities are exposed to hunger and vulnerability when rains are below average, especially those that dwell in rural settings.
Senator Annah Shiri also added to what Zhou said when she told this reporter that Persons with disabilities are two to four times more likely to die or be injured in climate emergencies including heatwaves, cyclones, and floods ,she also said people with disabilities in disasters face inaccessible transportation and emergency shelters, social isolation, and institutionalization.
Shiri further said that Climate change amplifies the marginalization experienced by persons with disabilities negatively affecting health, reducing access to healthcare services, food, water, and accessible infrastructure and People with Psychosocial (mental) disabilities have triple the rate of mortality in the event of cyclones.

“Climate change amplifies the marginalization experienced by persons with disabilities negatively affecting health, reducing access to healthcare services, food, water, and accessible infrastructure, People with Psychosocial (mental) disabilities have triple the rate of mortality in the event of cyclones, an example will be the Cyclone Idai were a total number of PWDs who succumbed to the tragedy has not yet been realized,” Said Shiri
Senator Zhou also said that there is need to advocate for voices of persons with disabilities to attend local, provincial, and national meetings on climate change so that their needs are not taken as an afterthought.
Tsvayi also said PWDs should embrace the climate change and find ways of preventing themselves from being victims of the negative effects.

Senator Shiri also mentioned the need for self-representation of PWDs in disaster risk management committee at all levels from ward to national level, she also said Information must be in disability accessible formats especially in regards to early warning systems with braille being included.

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