Church Deacon convicted for sexually abusing two teenage congregants

Gweru church deacon convicted of sexually abusing two teenage congregants
By Dumisani Ndlovu
Newly wedded Word of life International Ministries Church Deacon, Edson Ushe (43) was sentenced to 7 months imprisonment term for fondling and romancing church teenage congregants’ private parts.
Gweru Magistrate Beaulity Dube sentenced Ushe to seven months in prison, three months were suspended on condition that the accused do not committee similar offence in the next five years.
Edson Ushe (43) was convicted as charged for two counts of indecent assault of two minors doing form 2 after a highly contested trial. The man of the cloth was represented by Esau Mandipa of Mutatu and Mandipa legal practice.
Ushe was convicted after the court proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the crime was committed.
“For the conviction, I considered that you are a first offender, your defence counsel submission and that of the state. I will treat both counts as one for the purpose of sentencing. I therefore sentence you to 7 months in prison, three month suspended for five years on condition that you do not commit similar offence in the next five years. The remaining 4 months is wholly suspended on condition that you pay US$400 fine, “said Magistrate Dube.
The deacon, Ushe who spared a two year custodial sentence, was given up to the 10th of May 2024 to pay the fine at Gweru court clerk.
The state led by Public Prosecutor, Monica Mungwena told the court that on the 24th of December 2023, Ushe unlawfully and with actual intent touched the private parts, kissed and fondled buttocks of the two juveniles.
According to state papers, the incident took place during the absence of the two minors’ parents who had travelled to Bulawayo.
Agreed facts are that on the day in question, Ushe visited the girls’ place of residence at 7pm where he stayed for about 30 minutes, before requesting the girls to accompany him to his vehicle as leave.When he was about to leave the house, the court heard that the accused asked for a drink, of which one of the brothers to the minors (name withheld) went back into the house to collect the drink.
Whilst the brother was away, Deacon Ushe allegedly “dragged the complainant by her waist, touched her private parts and fondled her buttocks” while the second complainant was sitting in the car.
The state papers highlighted that the man of god only stopped arousing the minor’s sexual desire after noticing that the brother to the complainants (also a minor) was returning from the house.
As if possessed by the demonic sexual appetite, on count 2, the church deacon also wilfully committed lustful acts with the body of a 14 year old minor.
He is said to have asked other juvenile to accompany him to his vehicle so that she can open the gate. Upon reaching the gate, the court heard that the church Deacon stopped the car, went to the second complainant and allegedly kissed her once on the forehead and fondled her buttocks.
The court head the action by Ushe did not go down well with the girl who then pushed him away and ran back to the house and narrated the ordeal to the brother who was courageous enough to inform the guardian.
The guardian reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of the accused.