Chamisa’s movement riding on CCC structures

By Kwedu News

Nelson Chamisa’s new political outfit, the Blue Movement anchored by his trusted lieutenants, is riding on the existing Citizen Coalition for Change’s structures, a reveal made following a recent ban of its intended Gweru rally in Mkoba North suburb on the 9th of March by police.

The Blue Movement, formed after Chamisa’s resignation from the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) Presidency, led by his close allies Amos Chibaya and Ostallos Siziba, is capitalising on its former party structures and properties to organise itself and sum-up support.

This came to light following a reply made by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to an application letter for the movement written by one Tonderai Chorira to hold a rally on the 10th of March at Mkoba North’s Golf Course open space, banning it.

The letter written on the eve of the rally, addressed to CCC Midlands Province using CCC’s known Gweru offices address at Athlone Suburb, which have since been repainted blue, Officer Commanding Police (Regulating Authority) in Gweru Urban District, Chief Superintendent Tambudzai Bibian Gumpo cited political rivalry between the CCC factions likely to cause violence, hence ban.

“The Convener CCC Midlands Province, Number 30 Smart Road, Athlone, Gweru,” Chief Superintendent Gumpo’s letter reads.

“This office acknowledges receipt of your notification to hold a Mkoba North Citizens rally on 10 March 2024 at the Golf Course.

“Note that you did not specify the venue of the intended rally in your notification hence your notification falls short of the information required,” she said before adding that, “there is a real threat of violence erupting as a result of clashes between the supporters of the speakers and another group claiming to be from the same organisation with yours who are indicating that the speakers should not continue using the logo of the party which recalled them.”

Nelson Chamisa resigned as President of the CCC citing infiltration by his adversaries, especially the ruling party Zanu Pf, using state apparatus and fronting one Sengezo Tshabangu who he said was an imposter.

His trusted lieutenants and close allies followed suit, distancing themselves from the party with some resigning from public offices in solidarity with their leader.

Some supporters however say the new development could see a similar scenario as when the CCC was founded where they clashed with the Douglas Mwonzora led Movement for Democratic Change over control of party structures, elected officials and properties leading to mass recalls, as has been witnessed after the August 2023 elections, with fears that more officials will be booted out of public offices.