Cattle rustlers cause havoc in Silobela

By Memory Mudzani
Three cattle were stolen at Farm 15, St Mark’s area under Chief Malisa in Silobela on 22 June 2023.

It is alleged that unknown suspects stole three cattle from the complainant’s kraal during the night, slaughtered them at a nearby bush and took all the meat, leaving the head and bones at the scene.

Zimbabwe republic police midlands province spokesperson inspector Emmanuel Mahoko said that on 23 June 2023, a tip off was received that there was a green Nissan sedan vehicle carrying suspected stolen meat, which had been sighted.

Police are said to have swiftly reacted to the tip off, they spotted the motor vehicle and followed it, the driver of vehicle noticed that they were being pursued and increased speed and after the police pursuing it for about 25 kilometers, the vehicle developed a tyre puncture and the suspects then stopped the vehicle and ran away into a thick bush leaving their vehicle idling.

It is said that Zimbabwe republic Police searched the vehicle and discovered five sacks full of meat which were staffed inside the boot, the meat was weighed and found to be 361, 24 kilograms.

Zimbabwe republic police are appealing to members of the public who might have information about the owner of the motor vehicle and suspects behind the Stock theft case to help them.

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