Binga sangoma locates thieves,recovers stolen property

Binga traditional healer locate thieves, brings back stolen properties
By Dumisani Ndlovu
People are reportedly flocking a Mtapa house looking for the phone contacts of a witchdoctor who allegedly catches thieves.
According to Mtapa residents, this came after incidents recently happened at Mr Magazeni’s house where his children whose properties were continuously stolen by unknown thieves, invited a Binga traditional healer, Admire Musongorori “Zambi” (60) who relocated to Nemangwe in Gokwe.

The incident has since become the talk of Mtapa suburb, as the traditional healer made headlines by helping people recover their stolen goods. Va Zambi as Sekuru Gudo is affectionately known in Gokwe has also become popular by curing different ailments using herbs.
In an interview with this publication the accused Mufudzi Muchato who fell trap to Sekuru Gudo’s thief locating prowess gave a testimonial on how it happened.
“As Ghetto youth, who had fallen prey to drug and substance abuse, we thatched a plan of stealing in order to buy drugs. We started stealing at various houses including at Mr Magazine’s tuckshop and house. On the fateful day, I felt curious to visit Mr Magazine’s residential area. That where hell brook lose, when Sekuru Gudo confronted me, interrogating me over the theft,” said Mufudzi.
The perpetrator who vowed will never steal again told this reporter that upon getting in the house, while looking in his back, Sekuru Gudo started narrating when and how I stole the groceries and other goods from day one and how I got into the house, stole a bucketful of money, a passport and a driver’s license.
“I got awe strung and tongue tide, while admitting everything as truthful. Even now I can’t believe how I ended up at the house and all the drama that followed,” said Mufudzi.

Lydia Magazine said at first she couldn’t believe the traditional healer until she witnessed it.
“This young man and his colleagues were every now and then stealing from my shop and our house. But now no one comes to steal here because, the story of the sticky-fingered young man incident,”she said.
Lydia added that now thieves are afraid to come and steal at their home and shop.
“Now that this incident has spread across the location, I believe not even one thief will mess around our business. Thanks to Sekuru for the service, he taught the two thieves that had been terrorizing our house and shop a very good lesson. They were brought to shame,” she said.
In an interview, Sekuru Gudo said he was in Gweru to restore sanity in communities.
”My mission is to end thievery in our country.I am different from other herbalist who give people goblins and use mirrors and other foretelling tools but I use my bag to see who stole what from who and when and how ,” If you ask Mufudzi and his friends they will tell you how I located them,” they came by themselves, no one hunted them,” he said.
He said he did not make them arrested because he have his own “spiritual” cells and jail which he said are the best correctional services than Hwahwa and Chikurubi.
“They will never steal again,” he said adding that he is the one who restored sanity in Somabhula area where thieves did as they please, decapitating a head of cattle in a kraal and left skins, heads and offal.
Sekuru Gudo was referring to cattle thieves, who early this year invaded Somabhula and the province, slaughtering beasts at night, deboning the meat and making off with steak only.
Sekuru Gudo said the cattle rustler coordinator is now mentally challenged and is seen roaming Gweru’s Mtapa Market, eating rotten tomatoes and potatoes while staying at Mtapa Cemetery because of stealing.
He also said that even some police officers are now seeking his services to locate thieves.
” Some of the police officers are coming here to take charm to locate criminals of the cases they are investigating,” he said.
Sekuru Gudo said that there is nothing hard for him to do, can provide help where it is needed.
“Distance is not a barrier, the call I have just received belong to someone thanking me from South Africa whose car was stolen. I just asked him to bring the vehicle registration book and keys and I did what I know best. And the call was to confirm the car was discovered,” he said.
“I can make those at work promoted and bring back lost love together using one of my herb, l can also restore broken virginity to those who are re-marrying and want to cheat their beloved into matrimonial.”
Sekuru Gudo said that he is good at dealing with thieves as he uses a satchel bag.
“Thieves are coming here to pay for the stolen items as long as they admit to the crime, I can make them be pardoned by owners of the stolen properties as long as they return and pay for the stolen properties, “he said.

Sekuru Godo said cure all types of cancer and other diseases.
He said his clients are happy with the help they are getting from him and appreciations are coming.
” I am happy, people that I am helping are appreciating my works as I have more than 35 cattle, State of the art house and successful businesses,” he said .

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Sekuru Gudo