Australia based Maboreke donates Medical Equipment to Gatsi Clinic.

By Harry Taruva
New and Emerging Social intreprenere and Managing Director of Ahava Global Links, Oliver Zvinaiye Maboreke, returned to his roots in Honde Valley Zimbabwe and donated medical equipment worth over $8000 to Gatsi Mission clinic. Gatsi mission clinic run by the United Methodist Church holds a special place in Maboreke’s heart as this is the place of his birth. As part of giving back to his local community in Gatsi, Honde Valley Oliver Maboreke mobilised medical resources from his networks in Sydney Australia, which included much needed BP machines, PPEs, stethoscopes, Blood Sugar machines. On top of this Mr Maboreke will be donating hospital benches and beds to support the labour unit at the clinic.

Receiving the medical equipment the Nurse in charge sister Dhliwayo was at loss of words and thanked Mr Maboreke for the donation. Present also was local Mission Pastor Fortunate Gadi and several community members.

Speaking to local reporters Mr Maboreke stated that this was going be an ongoing program to donate much needed medical suplies to Gatsi and surrounding areas by the Ahava Global Links Foundation as giving back to a place where his lifestory began. He encouraged other people in the dispora to follow suite and support the homeland. Mr Maboreke also sponsors a junior soccer tonamement hosted at St Faith Mission High school in Rusape as well as promoting grassroots soccer and is looking at support disadvantaged talented sports young people with school fees to attend high school at the Madetere St Faith Mission High school.

Also of note, Mr Maboreke has developed an innovative 8 step to success, The Z.V.I.N.A.I.Y.E Method which has has been widely received worldwide. Maboreke’s firm belief is that our life journey has eternal value and informs our success and is a source of our wealth creation.

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Oliver Maboreke handing over medical equipment to Gatsi Clinic in Honde Valley.

Ahava Founder –Oliver Maboreke