About Us

Hericom media was founded by Harry Taruva in 2022. We are an independent privately owned media house
Hericommedia is the home of Kwedu Classics the main digital media,broadcasting and marketing vehicle and offering.
Our Core Values
- Committed to delivering the best
- Honest and transparent services
- We care for your business just like ours
- Keep learning and adapting to new technologies
We envision a digitally connected clientele, epitomising a complete human being connected to their past, identity and drawing inspiration from who they are and where they come from.
To inspire, reignite, reawaken and rekindle moments of optimism, dignity, self-esteem, self respect, confidence and everything that defines us by reconnecting with our past,present, and identity through the digital world.
Kwedu Classics
Kwedu endeavours to produce and present. Kwedu News, Kwedu Classics, with the aim to capture and share all the classic events, stories, achievements, inspirations that are connected to our people and where we come from.