Aboriginal activist defies Aussie court -calls it ” colonial “

,…..says he doesn’t recognize its jurisdiction

By Kwedu News

In a bold move, Aboriginal activist Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta has refused to appear in a Hobart court, Australia, citing Indigenous sovereignty and rejecting the court’s authority over him.

The 81-year-old was charged with trespassing after an anti-forestry protest in Tasmania’s Styx Valley.

Everett-puralia meenamatta’s stance has sparked a legal test case, with veteran environmentalist Bob Brown and the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre backing his stance.

The centre’s campaign manager, Nala Mansell, has called for the trespass charge to be dropped, highlighting the need for flexibility in applying white law to Aboriginal people.

The activist’s refusal to recognize the court’s jurisdiction has led to an arrest warrant being issued; however, Everett-puralia meenamatta remains resolute.

“There was no need to show up, the court doesn’t have any jurisdiction over Aboriginal people protecting our country,” he said.

The move has sparked a national conversation about indigenous sovereignty, treaties, and the relationship between Aboriginal people and the Australian government.

As Everett-puralia meenamatta prepares for potential jail time or fines, his determination to highlight the destruction of forests and indigenous issues remains unwavering.

The world watches as this legal showdown unfolds, posing critical questions about colonialism, power, and the rights of First Nations people.