Decentralise Cricket –Musekwa

By Memory Mudzani
Sheanopa Shane Musekwa, a player from Queens sports club in Bulawayo as well as Matabeleland Tuskers said to improve cricket sport, it should be decentralized and spread to every corner of the country and by doing so create interest and a wide base of players.
“To improve cricket sport, the game should be decentralized and spread to every corner of the country thus creating interest and a wide base of players, “said Musekwa
Musekwa further said that cricket sport is not as widespread as football or athletics, cricket is being played by a minority and not played at all in remote parts of the country, which then limits the base from which to choose players to play at various levels.

Washington Nzira from Kwekwe who is a cricket player and a coach at development level also supported what Musekwa said when he told this publication that there is need to play many games in schools and at clubs so as to inspire more people to join cricket sporting.
“There is need to play many games in schools and at clubs so as to inspire more people to join cricket sporting and also schools must be more positive and proactive on cricket development ,” said Nzira
Musekwa also said that there is need to improve gender equality in cricket especially at developmental level and it can be achieved by conducting more awareness campaigns to let women and girls know that they also have a role to play in the game.
“There is need to improve gender equality in cricket and it can be achiwved by conducting more awareness campaigns to let women and girls know that they also have a role to play in the game ,I feel like Zimbabwe cricket is reaching a level where both genders will be participating in cricket games soon , as it has already done very well in that regard. Over the last few years there have been many women and girls involved in the game and doing well than ever before which is really good to see ,” said Musekwa