Youths call for Inclusion in National Dvpt Strategy.

By Memory Mudzani.

As Zimbabwe gears towards the fulfilment of Vision 2030, youth organizations have also seen it pertinent to call for their inclusion in the national development agenda, lamenting the ongoing exclusion in governance and socio-economic development and have seen it as mistakes of the past.

Cognsant of the diversity of youths in Zimbabwe, youths in tertiary institutes took it upon themselves to complement their Government by seeking inclusion as part of fulfilling collective development. This zeal to be included in governance, socio-economic development led to the formation of Tertiary Students Platform for Action (TSPA) in February 2016 at the University of Zimbabwe.

In an interview with Kwedu News, McDonald Munganasa, the core founder of the organization, now serving as the Secretary General,told this reporter that the organization commenced as a club and further registered with the Zimbabwe Youth Council with the agenda of fostering civic participation of tertiary students and youths in Zimbabwe, in a nonpartisan manner.
“Our main thrust is to offer capacity building programs to tertiary students and youths on governance and civic participation as part of equipping them to influence socio-economic development from an informed Position” Munganasa said
TSPA’s vision is to see a society where tertiary students and youth participate in governance and socio-economic development freely with the ability to fend off barriers that hinder their inclusion through the culture of open dialogues.

Munganasa said that they were motivated by Section 20, Sub section 1 (b) which stipulates that youths must have opportunities to associate and to be represented to participate in governance, social, economic and other spheres of life.
Munganasa further said that Tertiary Students Platform for Action is an inclusive organization that recognizes the inherent dignity and individual autonomy of every student and youth in Zimbabwe.
“It is the time for tertiary students and youths in general to influence policies as part of building a posterity which is enlightened “, said Munganasa.
Munganasa said that as an organization they are using social media platforms to disseminate information to their targeted population. He further pointed out that the Organization managed to enlighten a number of graduates, including young people as they are being educated on skills enhancement, civic participation and public policy

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