Teenager Cuts off and Eats Own Private Parts

…… After Abusing a Minor

By Delicious Mathuthu

Kwekwe, Zimbabwe – In a shocking incident, a-19-year old man from Kwekwe cut off his private parts, made a bread sandwich before consuming it after allegedly abusing his employer’s 10 year old granddaughter.

The incident occured on the 14th of September 2024 at around 8pm, in Kwekwe’s Masasa suburb, Midlands Province.

The teenager, identified as Panankosi Phiri and employed as a gardener, is said began acting erratic at his employer’s residence, allegedly going insane.

A police report seen by Kwedu News states that Phiri cut himself on both hands first, became violent before severring his penis.

“The victim is employed as a gardener at informant’s house [and] circumstances [are that] on the 14th day of September 2024 around 2000hours the victim who was at his employer’s house began to act insane,” the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) report from Kwekwe Central reads.

“He took a knife and cut himself on both hands, when he started bleeding profusely, [the] informant tried to help him but she failed because he became violent.

“He went on to completely cut off his penis and wrapped it with bread then went on to eat it.”

All the while during the act calling out the name of a 10-year-old minor that he allegedly abused, saying she was his wife.

The abuse revelation came after intervention of the Police Victim Friendly Unit.

“As he was cutting himself he was calling [name withheld] who is the informant’s granddaughter referring to her as his wife.

“Informant called ZRP Kwekwe Central who attended the scene and ferried the victim to Kwekwe General Hospital for medical assistance,” the Police report further reads.

During hospitalization, Phiri continued to claim the minor as his spouse.

Further investigation into Phiri’s utterances by police, revealed on the 18th of September 2024 that the minor was once sexually abused by Phiri.

“Upon conducting an interview [the minor] revealed that the victim (Phiri) had on a date she cannot remember sexually abused her.

“[The minor] underwent medical examination at Kwekwe General Hospital,” Police said.

Due to his serious condition, Phiri has been transferred from Kwekwe to Gweru Provincial Hospital in critical condition.

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