Veteran Journalist Edwin Moyo retires after 43 yrs of Service

……A legacy of excellence
By Dumisani Ndlovu

In a heartwarming tribute to a remarkable career, Edwin Moyo, a veteran journalist and Midlands Provincial Information Officer, has bid farewell to a 43-year tenure in the Ministry of Information, Media, and Broadcasting Services.
A poignant retirement luncheon, attended by colleagues, peers, and friends from the media industry, celebrated his unwavering commitment and contributions.

With a reflective gaze, Moyo retraced his journey, which began in 1981 under the guidance of national hero Justin Nyoka. He attributed his success to the twin virtues of patience and focus, which had been his constant companions throughout the ups and downs of his career.

Moyo’s voice was filled with gratitude as he acknowledged the transformative power of technological advancements, which had revolutionized the media landscape, making work easier and more efficient. His eyes sparkled with nostalgia as he shared valuable insights and lessons learned from his experiences, from the Zimbabwe Information Service to the various changes in the ministry.

Tafara Chikumira, Chairperson of the Gweru Press Club, paid a glowing tribute to Moyo, describing him as a humble and dedicated mentor who had taught him the intricacies of the media industry in Midlands. Vincent Mhene, Chairperson of the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists Gweru, praised Moyo for his tireless advocacy of fair treatment for media houses and journalists, serving as a bridge between government departments and the media.

Ramington Jarijari, Editor of The Times, eulogized Moyo’s legacy, saying, “His contributions to the media industry will be remembered and cherished by all who had the privilege of working with him.” Wellington Magura, Zanu PF Central Committee member, hailed Moyo as a loyal foot soldier who had worked selflessly for the implementation of government policies and programs.

In a stirring address, Retired Major Leonard Tagwirei, a director in the Ministry of Media, Information, and Broadcasting Services, urged journalists to promote a positive narrative about Zimbabwe, emphasizing the need for discipline, patriotism, and responsibility. As the gathering bid farewell to a legendary career, they honored not only Moyo’s dedication but also his unwavering commitment to the truth and the nation

Seasoned journalist and Information Officer,Edwin Moyo