Itai Trust donates Wheelchairs to people with Disabilities

Itai Trust donates wheelchairs to differently abled persons
By Dumisani Ndlovu
Gweru Chapter of a Harare based non-governmental organisation, Itai Trust whose target is to mobilise and distribute 20 wheelchairs to differently abled people in Zimbabwe recently kick-started the Midlands program by donating a wheelchair to a Lower Gweru child with a disability.
The official hand over of the wheel chair was recently done by the organisation in ward 3 of Vungu Constituency.
Itai Trust, which was established in 2011 by Godfree Chatora has been involved in various social works.
Speaking at the official hand over, Itai Trust Midlands Chapter Leader, Xholisani Maruta said her organisation provided a child with the gift of a free wheelchair in order to provide hope and renewed dignity.
“As Itai Trust we are here in Lower Gweru not because we have huge sum of money or resources but because of love. This idea arose when we realised the need to help many differently abled people hence the donation of this wheelchair which could improve the child’s life in many ways, “said Maruta.
Ward 3 councillor, Edmund Gangarabwe hailed the organisation for its kind gesture.
“As ward 3 Councillor, we are far much happy to such demonstrated love, manifesting in our area. The donation will go a long way in improving life. The family you helped here is one of the neediest families in my ward. I also thank St Daniels for directing you (Itai Trust) where there is high need to help. This is quite encouraging. Keep the standard high, “said Concillor Gangarabwe.
Local traditional leader, Headman Sibongile Zibagwe equally expressed joy for the help adding that it is not how much we give but how much love we put when giving.
“The mother of the child, had abandoned the child because of her condition. We however rectified that; she is now here with the child. I therefore appeal for help she is in need of capital to start a business so that she helps fend for her child and earn an honesty living,” she said.
Founder of the organisation, Godfree Chatora said the organisation is targeting 20-wheel chairs.
“We are targeting donating twenty wheelchairs, five for Masvingo, four for Midlands and the rest for Harare,’’ he said.
Itai Trust was established to uproot poverty at its roots through its integrated programmes inclusive of sustainable income generation, leadership training, mental health services, child protection and education and water provision so that every child and community member will function and contribute maximally towards the good of humanity.
Itai Trust, which was accompanied by its Midlands staff members and volunteers as well as St Daniel staff from Gweru, distributed the wheelchair to the beneficiary.