Gweru PVO Bill public hearing aborted as Zanu PF youth turns violent

By Kwedu Reporter
Private Voluntary Organisation bill public hearing in the Gweru was on Friday abandoned as Zanu PF members turned violent.
In a seemingly well-choreographed fashion, the Zanu PF youth who defied all the ground rules and orders, kept jeering to those opposed to the bill and threatening the parliamentary committee led by Senator Sisasenkosi Ndebele. The meeting which started in the afternoon had to be abandoned after unruly youth turned violent and started shouting at the officials who had to leave the venue in fear.
As the parliamentary portifolio committee left, the ruling party supporters started singing war songs in support of President Emmerson Mnangagwa threatened and insulted people who said they opposed the Bill.
An unidentified man appeared from behind, holding a machete threatening to chop off the head of the one who was chairing the meeting. The Harare Member of Parliament who was chairing the meeting hurriedly got into the parliament bus which the youth also threatened to deflate. The youth targeted participants who spoke against the bill. Gweru Residents and Ratepayers Association (GRRA) programs manager Fadzayi Kanyai was attacked by the suspects while a young woman who was the first to criticize and condemned the bill was followed by a gang of ruling party youth who brutally assaulted her all over the body. The incident happened in full view of the public at Chicken slice.
ZANU PF allegedly mobilised many supporters to disturb the process, much to the annoyance of other attendees.

During the meeting the ruling party youths would occasionally disrupt the proceedings when they booed other people’s contributions as well as clapping when fellow party members were making their submissions.
In their support of the bill the youths unanimously said it would “curb terrorism” by monitoring the activities of non-profit organisations who they accused of allegedly harbouring a “regime change agenda” and promoting homosexuality through support from “hostile Western countries.”