Collins Mnangagwa supports Shurugwi Artists

By Dumisani Ndlovu

Artists in Shurugwi districts have showered praise to the Son of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Collin Mnangagwa for spending cash on financially disadvantaged artists who voluntarily performed at the official handover of Zanu offices in Shurugwi.

The kind gesture has ignited the vibrancy of what a member of the first family can do to utilise his status to promote others. Collins, who is a twin brother to Sean showered each performing artist with cash ranging from US$100 for students to US$500 each for seasoned artists. About 15 artists performed at the event.

Although most artists who spoke to this publication claimed are often abused by event organisers, in Shurugwi it was a different scenario as almost all artists who performed at the event left the handover ceremony smiling all the way to their homes.

“I am humbled by the surprise kind of support that, I had gone there to perform for free but surprisingly, am now US$400 richer. This is a tip of the iceberg. Hopefully local events organisers will emulate the good gesture,” said poet, Brighton Mashazhu.

Another artist who declined to be identified said “I am tongue tide by the kind of support. Local artists are often used and dumbed like used condoms but the member of the first family has set an example that artworks are valuable business, hence artists must be paid for their services and time they spend on crafting such work.
Hodzeko Arts and Culture Association Chairperson, Mavis Koslek said “Such magnitude of support if allowed to continue in our district and province has the power to release creative energy among both upcoming and seasoned artists and made to appreciate cultural heritage and cultivate rich interests, which they can pursue in their leisure and, later in life”.

Although Collins’ support was received with mixed feelings, with some taking it as an attempt to garner support for his father, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu PF party, an opposition councillor who spoke on condition of anonymity said “This had no political connotation, the young man is people-centred, his gesture today was genuine, apolitical and non-partisan, not even one artist was asked his or her political affiliation before awarded his token of appreciation after performing.