Man stabs ex-wife and hangs self in school

By Delicious Mathuthu

A sad cloud engulfed the Chiwundura community in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe on Sunday morning (25/02/24) after a-40-year-old man stabbed his ex-wife at a local school before hanging himself, Kwedu News reports.

The incident occured at Gambiza Secondary School in Chiwundura, under Chief Chiwundura, around 7am where the deceased, identified as Anderson Mureverwi, had visited his ex-wife who is a teacher at the school, Faith Solomon, the previous day late evening at around 9pm (24/02/24).

The two are said have a two year old daughter who was not feeling well.

Mureverwi and Solomon had a fight the following morning (25/02/24) after she asked him when he was leaving.

During the fight, Mureverwi is said stabbed Solomon five times with a kitchen knife.

Solomon escaped from the scene heavily wounded; after realising the gravity of his crime, thinking Solomon was dead, Mureverwi is said hanged himself.

Midlands Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, confirmed the incident, saying Mureverwi was found hanging from the trusses in Solomon’s house, adding that the case is still under investigation.

“Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms receiving a sudden death case in which a 40 year old man hanged himself after a heated fight with his ex-wife,” Inspector Mahoko said.

“It is alleged the husband wanted to check on the minor who was not feeling well.

“He put up for the night. The next morning, on 25 February 2024 at about 0700 hours the woman asked Mureverwi when he was going to depart.

“This did not go down well with Mureverwi and a misunderstanding arose.

“Mureverwi picked a kitchen knife and stabbed Faith Solomon four times on the back and once on the left arm. Solomon ran away leaving Mureverwi in the room,” said Inspector Mahoko.

Mureverwi was discovered by a Police Constabulary who had come to investigate the stabbing.

“Bernard Chitando a man aged 53 years of Masvori Village under Chief Gambiza who is a member of the Police Constabulary heard about the incident. He went to the scene and found Mureverwi hanging from a roof truss in the room,” the Police Spokesperson said.

One of Chiwundura local Councilors, Trust Chitarata for Ward 10, speaking to Kwedu News said the deceased accused his ex-wife of harbouring boyfriends thats why she wanted him gone.

“Vanhu ava vavasisafambidzane saka murume anga auya kuzoona mwana since vane mwana vose, then mkadzi akafira kubvunza kuti moenda nguvai zvikanzi saka wakutoita zvezvikomba, sei uchida kundidzinga? (These people were no longer together so the ex-husband had come to see their daughter. Then the ex-wife was stabbed for asking when he was leaving as he accused her of having boyfriends that’s why she was chasing him).”

Councilor Chitarata advised that people should seek intervention from third parties if they disagree to prevent such incidents.

“I advise vanhu kuti vakatadza kuwirirana better kutsvaga third party ayananise than to conclude murimega, it will end up vanhu vaurayana (I advise people that if they fail to agree better to find a third party for reconciliation than to try an conclude alone because you will end up killing each other),” he said.

Councilor Chitarata’s sentiments were echoed by Inspector Mahoko who added that dispute resolution should always be peaceful.

“We urge members of the public to engage third parties when misunderstandings arise and always solve disputes in a peaceful way.” He said.

One of the villagers who expressed no sympathy to the Mureverwi suicide, said the school and house have been soiled.

“As a community hatina kufara nazvo. Murume uyu aifanira kuzviuraiyira kumusha kwake now nzvimbo yechikoro yasvibiswa, imba yacho yasvibiswa, zvakutoreva kuti imba yacho haina achada kuigara kwakutoda kuti pavakwe futi (we are not happy, this man should have committed suicide at his home now the school has been soiled, the house soiled, it means no one else would want to live that house and they have to build another one),” she said.

She also appealed for the Education Ministry to expedite the replacement of Solomon while she recovers from the stabbing as her pupils currently have no teacher.