Drug and Substance abuse driven STIs hit Gweru youths

By Delicious Mathuthu

Gweru City has recorded a spike in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in the local authority’s clinics, mostly driven by drugs, alcohol and substance abuse among youths, Kwedu News can reveal.

Latest statistics released by Gweru City Council Health Department show that more than 200 new STIs were recorded for the month of November 2023 alone, with fears of a continued increase as statistics for December and January are yet to be released.

Speaking during a full council meeting recently, the City’s Director of Health Services, Samson Sekenhamo, said the new STIs are mostly driven by youths into drugs, alcohol and substance abuse between the 18 to 24 age group.

He said after intoxication the youths tend to engage in risky sexual behaviours.

“The total number of new STIs was 128 for females and 86 for males for the month of November 2023.

“The cases are distributed city wide as the clients move from one health facility to the other across the city.

“…The major challenge is the drug, alcohol and substance abuse among adolescents,” Sekenhamo said.

The local authority said it is now embarking on sexual health awareness campaigns and condom use promotions to try and minimise the spread.

The Health Director, speaking to this publication, further said the spike points at low condom use among the age group despite condom uptake in the City still within acceptable levels.

“The local authority has embarked on health education in terms of risky sexual behaviour among adolescents.

“There is also the promotion of condom and safe sex.

“The rise in STIs shows low use of condoms although they are available. Condom uptake still remains in high acceptable levels, and they are readily available in the right quantities,” he said.

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