Two years in prison for sex- starved Lower Gweru man

By Dumisani Ndlovu
A sex-starved Lower Gweru man was slapped with a 24 month jail term after found guilty of two counts of unlawful entry at Gweru Magistrate Court last week.
Thabani Nyoni aged (20) was facing two counts of unlawful entry after he allegedly broke the windows of two female teachers and demanded sex on separate occasion. Six months were suspended on condition that he does not committee a similar offence in five years.
It is the State’s case that on 13 November this year, the accused broke into the first complainant, who is a teacher at Mudubiwa School, Alice Manjere’s bedroom where he gained entry through the window and demanded sex.
After Manjere turned him down while crying out for help, Nyoni fled the scene and later own, using the same modus operandi, broke into yet another female teacher, Ireen Sithole where upon again gaining entry as well demanded sex and fled when the victim shouted for help after she also spurned his sexual advances.
His luck ran out when the police hunted him down, leading to Nyoni’s arrest. The Public Prosecutor, Ruvimbo Mutemen represented the state.
“The accused deserved a custodial sentence since the victims are elderly people which should be respected and also because of his intention to rape the second complainant,”Mutemen told the court.
The accused, Thabani Nyoni (20), who pleaded guilty to all charges was quick to beg for mercy for committing the crime at Mudubiwa School, Lower Gweru, on 13 November 2023.
“I admit to both counts, however I beg for mercy since I was drunk when I committed the crimes, “he appealed.
During trial, the Magistrate, Nixon Mangoti questioned Nyoni whether he was forced to drink beer.
“Where you forced to drink? Had you been forced to drink, I would have considered your excuse. But the fact that you chose to drink you much be held accountable for your actions. You must have a good behavior whether drunk or not,” he said.
Magistrate Mangoti then set the court gallery in stiches when he told Nyoni who said was employed as cattle header to seek ladies of her own class.
“You are a cattle herder and you like teachers, why can’t you look for ladies of your own class,” said Mangoti with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
In passing the sentence Mangoti said “You should learn how to control your sex-drive. Honestly, how would you go and demand sex to someone you did not propose love to. You should learn how to respect women.
Gweru Magistrate Nixon Mangoti slapped Nyathi with a 24-months jail term. However 6 months were suspended on condition that he do not committee similar offence in the next five years. He will serve 18 months in prison.

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