Son murders father over witchcraft accusations

By Memory Mudzani
A 69 year old man was allegedly murdered by his biological son aged 23, at their residential area in Kufazvinei Village under Chief Chireya in Gokwe North following witchcraft accusations, the incident occurred on 18 November 2023 at about 0700 hours.
It is alleged that on the fateful day the two were at their homestead, the suspect Tinevimbo Nyika (23) confronted his now deceased father Aison Nyika (69), and accused him of being a witch who was causing havoc in the family and this angered Aison Nyika, who picked a metal rod from the yard and used it to strike the son once on the left leg.
A fight ensued resulting in Tinevimbo disarming his father and using the rod to assault him several times until he died, Tinevimbo is alleged to have gone on to pierce his father’s stomach, pulled some intestines out and hung them on a tree near the scene and fled.

The assault happened in the presence of the suspect’s young brother aged 13 years, their sister Tendai Nyika aged 23 who was tendering crops in a nearby garden was informed and a report was made to the Police.
Investigations were made by ZRP Nembudziya which resulted in the arrest of the suspect and they recovered the metal rod used in the assault.

Zimbabwe Republic Police is inviting members of the public who might have information that can help in the case to come forward and they are also urging the public to take family disputes to their traditional leaders for assistance.

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