Midnight rage: Gang of six leaves 3 hospitalised at Zvishavane bar

By Delicious Mathuthu

Police in the Midlands Province in Zimbabwe are hunting for a six men gang that left three revelers at a local Zvishavane Bar hospitalised when they ran amok, bashing everyone in the beer spot in retaliation after one of the gang members was accused of stealing a mobile phone.

The incident occured on the 4th of November 2023 around midnight at Hangout Bar located in Makwasha suburb; all gang members are yet to be identified.

The rage started when one of the patrons at the bar, identified as Moses Rukuni (33) of Mandava suburb, accused one of the gang members of stealing his mobile phone.

This did not go down well with the accused gang member who then began assaulting the patron along with his five colleagues before stabbing him with a knife in the abdomen.

After the stabbing the gang ran amok and began randomly beating up patrons at the bar leading to the serious injury of two more men, Learnmore Gangiso (32) and Tariro Berejena (28), both also from Mandava suburb.

After the feud, the six men fled the scene

Midlands Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the incident and condemned the use of violence to settle disputes and appealed to members of the public with information that may lead to the identification or apprehension of the suspects to contacts the nearest police station.

“We continuously urge members of the public to desist from resorting to violence in the event of disputes.

“We are appealing to those with information which may assist in the arrest of the suspects to approach any police station,” Inspector Mahoko said.

He also narrated with more details how the three men ended in hospital after falling victim to the unknown gang.

“…three Zvishavane men are battling for their lives after sustaining varying injuries after being assaulted by a gang of six unknown men at a drinking spree at Hangout Bar, Makwasha, Zvishavane.

“The heinous incident occurred on 4 November 2023 at around 0030hrs. The victims have been identified as Moses Rukuni (33), Learnmore Ganganiso(32) and Tariro Berejena(28) all of Mandava residential suburbs, Zvishavane,” he said.

“It is alleged that hell broke loose when Moses Rukuni’s cellphone was stolen by an unkown person. He pinpointed one of the patrons to be behind the theft.

“The pinpointed men and his 5 colleagues were annoyed and they charged towards him. They assaulted him with booted feet and went on to stab him on the stomach.

“They started assaulting everyone in the bar, including Gunganiso and Berejena,” Inspector Mahoko said.

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