VISET spearhead social and economic transformation for street vendors

By Memory Mudzani
Vendors’ initiative for social and economic transformation VISET is spearheading the social and economic transformation of street vendors by championing for their quest to earn livelihoods in the current harsh economic circumstances.
Samuel Wadzai the Executive Director for VISET said that vendor’s initiative for social and economic transformation is a membership based organization with more than 68000 members throughout the country.
He further said that to become a member of VISET at the moment its free of charge no subscriptions is paid, vendors who are willing to become members only needs to fill in a form which can be filled online or on a hard copies and their details will be enter on VISET data base and they will automatically become members.

“We do a lot of capacity development for our members, we are a membership based organization with membership throughout the country so at the center of our initiative is to ensure that vendors and informal traders in general are able to work in an environment where they are able to make profits and to support their families, “Said Wadzai
Wadzai said that as an organization they want to make sure that vendors are able to trade profitably within their capacities , to have access to markets and also to be protected from various human rights violation and other violation that they face on a daily basis.
“ As an organization we are more concerned about capacity development , protection of rights and building silages for vendors with local authorities, we also have various WhatsApp groups across the country in almost all the major towns and in rural areas and thus how most vendors join our organization ,and get information on the programs we are doing” said Wadzai
Wadzai said that as an organization they work with a pulley of lawyers in all the major towns and other socio-economic champions who help them by representing their members if they got arrested.

“We also conduct trainings on socio-economic rights, what the bill of rights talks about so that our members will be aware of their rights and they will be able to report if they feel that their rights have been violated so those are some of the way we protect vendors’ rights,” said Wadzai
We train vendors to ensure that they work in a safe environment, and to make sure that they occupy markets with the full knowledge of climate change effects knowing that disasters can happen anytime so they need to be part of local schemes that can be offered by local authorities, financial institute and other institutes so that they will get help when disasters occurred.

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