ZMC trains journalists on election reporting

By Memory Mudzani.

Zimbabwe media commission (ZMC) recently hosted a workshop to train journalists on election and election reporting in Kwekwe.
According to ZMC the training workshop is one of the activities put in place by the commission to sensitize media players and stakeholders on the expected role of the media in the creation of a conducive and peaceful environment for the holding of peaceful and credible voting process.

During this workshop commissioner Susan Makore said regarding the upcoming election the commission is particularly interested in seeing a professional and responsible media which promotes free flow of information and content which enables citizens that are going to cast their votes in the harmonized elections to make informed decision and to know that elections should not divide them , different decision should not be diminish out connectivity Zimbabweans have as one family driven by shared hopes , dreams and aspiration.

”The media as the fourth estate is expected to provide a communication platform between the contestants and the voters by providing such a platform for public debate scrutiny and informing the public on the policies of the candidates and political parties ,”said Commissioner Makore
She also said that the media needs to be capacitated with necessary knowledge and skills in covering election.

Chipo Gudhe the editor of The Midlands observer who was one of the trainers on this workshop also encourages journalist to self-introspect their work and to also include women and the marginalized in their reporting especially in this electoral period.
Nyaradzo Makombe a news broadcaster also train journalist on peaceful journalism, where she train journalist on what should be done to foster peace during elections .

This workshop helps the media to get a better understanding of the actual voting process and election reporting which they showed making a pledge on how they are going to carry out their duties .

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