Women urged to play more part in climate change and management

By Memory Mudzani
Climate change has been affecting the lives of each and every one on planet earth no matter who they are or where they live and there is no doubt on that , as it threatens food ,water security , human health as well as social economic and political stability .

Sprouts Women Empowerment trust have been organizing climate change education for women and girls and they said that this is a very important component because it helps women to participate equally in decision making on things to do with their resources and the environment.

Caroline Mutimbanyoka the director of sprout women empowerment trust said climate change education is important to women because when women understand issues around climate change and how they are being affected by it, they will find solutions to these problems.

Mutimbanyoka further said that it will became critical for women to participate in decision making concerning their environment if they understand the issues and challenges that are coming with climate change.
“It is a key aspect to educate women around climate change because the environment that we are existing in requires us to be innovative so as we will be educating women about climate change we are able to involve them in the green innovation, how can they make money as a result of the new things that are coming up with climate change, on how to come up with innovative solutions to the challenges that are being posed by climate change in Zimbabwe,” said Mutimbanyoka
Mutimbanyoka said that as an organization it has become very critical for them to bring in the component of educating women on climate change because it speaks to one of their key areas of work which is relating women and the environment.

“As an organization it has become very critical for us to bring in the component of educating women on climate change because it speaks to one of our key areas of work which is relating women and the environment , how do we Coe-exist with the environment ,what is our role as women to the environment , how do we nature the environment , how do we benefit from the environment without causing harm to it so if we learn about those different skills we are able to see and understand that we have a role to play as women so as to protect and make use of our environment ,” said Mutimbanyoka

She farther said that as sprout women empowerment trust they need to ensure that as many women as possible are aware of climate change and its effects and are able to come up with mitigation measures to the challenges that are caused by climate change .

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