Opposition party chickens out of 2023 elections

calls for 7 years of no elections

By Dumisani Ndlovu
The new political party, Zimbabwe Socio-Economic Democrats (ZSD) will not contest this year’s general elections, citing what they say is exorbitant nomination fees for candidates who want to participate in the upcoming general and unleveled campaign terrain.

Speaking at a press briefing ZSD spokesperson Macheme Nkhundla Nyahuma described the coming 2023 election as null and void.
‘We categorically declare the upcoming election null and void. The undisputed fact is that Zimbabwe is not ready for elections.
“Those opposition political parties who are willing to participate in the forthcoming polls under the present situation are merely rubberstamping Zanu PF’s draconian rule, because it’s almost impossible to expect victory in a tilted political field,” Nyahuma said.
ZSD said since the attainment of independence has never been free and fair, and Zanu Pf has always seized advantage of the lack of unity among opposition political parties in demanding political and electoral reforms.

“The August 23 vote, if it goes ahead will just be another sad statistics in a country with a history of violent and disputed election,” he said.
Nyahuma further added that ZSD is of the view that no elections in the current political climate can possibly lead to a legitimate outcome.

“With the nature of Zanu PF’s repressive politics it is impossible to effect substantial reforms of the critical stale institutions. The level of polarisation in the country wills never accommodates divergent ideas and freedom of political choice,” he said.
ZSD would like to make a strong stand against the unfair practices resulting from the collusion of Zanu PF, the captured ZEC, a biased Judiciary and the openly partisan security organs.
“How can the country bold free and fair elections when the electoral body ZEC has failed over and over again to settle allegations of voter’s roll irregularities?
He stated that the dilemma in Zimbabwe is a leadership crisis driven by politicians’ desperation to be in power while they were ill-prepared to deliver solutions to the electorate’s problems.

ZSD spokesperson said the party is advocating for an election Sabbath for 7 years of no elections by setting up a National Transitional Authority that he said will resolve political settlement, national dialogue and a transitional arrangement.

The Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) confirmed will hold the nomination court process for aspiring candidates for the 2023 harmonised elections on June 21, countrywide. The purpose of the nomination courts is to confirm candidates who qualify to stand for the Presidential, National Assembly and Local Authority vacancies.

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